
Oct 27, 2008 12:24

[he hasn't slept since the night Riku got him to, and that stress---coupled with the voice's constant, painful jabs, has taken their toll. Stripped down, his nerves and worries close to the surface of his skin, Sora is a timebomb visibly on the edge of exploding or burning out ( Read more... )

plot: what goes around, optimism drives are failing, this is my angryface

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Comments 70

goldenpine October 27 2008, 20:29:31 UTC
Kid! I'm sorry. You will get out - we're all working on it from out here. Don't fight the battle against yourself for them. [ she's really hating seeing everyone break themselves down over this shit. ]

Would it help to know someone was there with you, when the voices won't stop?


dawn_is_coming October 27 2008, 23:24:48 UTC
[he stops, panting, his eyes slightly unfocused. Someone's been listening to the voices] That's just it. Nobody's here. They won't stay. Not with how much I've...I've failed 'em.

[he laughs, low and strained]

What kind of hero am I if I can't even get out of this stupid cell? I can't even save myself.


goldenpine October 27 2008, 23:29:17 UTC
What kind of hero are you if you can't even calm down enough to realize this isn't your own fault? If you're worried about failing everyone else, confront that worry and do something about it.

Heroes don't just save the day, kid. You're a hero if you're stuck in a cage or not; what matters is what's inside. If the voices are tearing you down, look back at them and build yourself together again. If you don't think the people who care about you are going to stay, then you didn't have enough faith in them in the first place.

Have a little faith, a little trust in who you are and who they are. You will get out. They will be okay. Believe in what you should already know.


dawn_is_coming October 27 2008, 23:50:50 UTC
[he stops, his breathing ragged---so tight and hoarse each inhale might as well be a sob---and shakes his head. Logically, he knows Rangiku is right. Right, rational, and adult. He's just too shaken to let that touch the fear the voice and its dark promises has lodged deep in his heart. He was on the verge of collapse already---this hasn't helped]


redpaperfan October 27 2008, 20:38:05 UTC
Tick, tock, Sora.


dawn_is_coming October 27 2008, 23:17:30 UTC
Shut up!


redpaperfan October 27 2008, 23:22:25 UTC
[ Does the tick tock finger motion. Asshole level fairly high; fever level reasonably high as well. ]

Just giving time a voice, Sora. You don't have to look so angry about it.


dawn_is_coming October 27 2008, 23:26:08 UTC
Time? Time? I don't care about time! I'm not waiting anymore! [this all said between pants and strikes against the bars]


conniving_flame October 27 2008, 21:02:13 UTC
That'll help a lot.


dawn_is_coming October 27 2008, 23:18:29 UTC
I can't sit here anymore! I can't! I can't listen to them---to their---I can't!


conniving_flame October 28 2008, 01:22:13 UTC
What are they saying now?


dawn_is_coming October 28 2008, 03:19:34 UTC
None of your business! You've got your own ones.


twilightfell October 27 2008, 21:22:18 UTC
[Roxas doesn't know what's happening or why, but he's starting to -- mirror his Somebody, and it's there on his face, that flicker of fear. Before he knows what he's doing he's on his feet and slamming against the bars of his own cell, calling out]



dawn_is_coming October 27 2008, 23:22:43 UTC
Roxas! Roxas, I swear to fuckin' Yen Sid, I'm gonna get us out of here! [he's shaking, muscles standing out in hard cords as he tries his best to take out the bars. While almost everything has fallen to the Keyblades before, these bars aren't even denting] I'm not gonna leave you behind!


twilightfell October 27 2008, 23:32:22 UTC
[Sora's panic is infectious -- for just a moment it grips Roxas tight, and in his own sense of urgency he doesn't even stop to summon the Keyblades. Instead he rams himself bodily against the bars, a cry of mixed frustration and pain escaping him.

But the pain is enough to snap him back to his own senses, and he breathes out raggedly, slumping against the bars and slowly shaking his head.]

Stop, Sora. Stop.


dawn_is_coming October 27 2008, 23:46:58 UTC
[frustration and exhaustion twist low in his chest, resisting the command at first---but that sound that Roxas had made and the quiet plea in his voice makes him falter. Oblivion drops from his numbed fingers and he makes a sound that's one part sob and one part scream, dismissing his Keyblades. The slippery-wet tracks down his face are illuminated by that flash of magical light]

I can't give up. I can't.


dawnward October 28 2008, 02:43:02 UTC
...Sora? Hey, is that--[guess who was sleeping with his Sphere on? jerks up in bed, bleary eyed and confused, and gropes for his glasses on the nightstand. as soon as he jams them on his face his eyes go wide and he lurches out of bed]

Sora? What's wrong? Hold on, I'm coming over there right now.


dawn_is_coming October 28 2008, 03:17:05 UTC
[Sora is going to beat the crap out of the bars until he literally passes out. He is too angry and too tired to not lash out. He's never been a patient kid, and this? This situation was the last straw]

You can't help---I can't help! It---[the keyblade rebounds with sparks, his arm jerking back with the movement]---doesn't matter!


dawnward October 28 2008, 03:23:01 UTC
[Riku's already running through the halls, in just his pajama bottoms and his glasses. he'll care about being properly dressed later. he's at the transports a second later and, a second after that, on Level 11]

You know they're just voices, Sora! Don't listen to them!


dawn_is_coming October 28 2008, 05:36:38 UTC
[Sora is still ripping into the bars mercilessly, striking with a strength someone as wrung out as he is shouldn't even have. His anger and insecurities lie deep, and the voice has preyed on that]

You don't get it!


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