Five Years Later....

Sep 11, 2006 21:07

A Quick Introductory Note:I have written this post for myself because I want most of all for my journal to be just that: a journal that I can look upon in a few--or many--years time. I am leaving it unlocked, however, because I think [hope?] that discussing and thinking about these things will help us in the end, whether in the practical sense of ( Read more... )

in memory, current events, 9/11, rant

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Comments 26

sinneahtes September 12 2006, 02:21:52 UTC
How America (or the American government) handles 9/11 is a disappointment to me because of my memories of that day... I live only about 2 hours from NYC, and Connecticut lost quite a few people to that day, and a lot of people at my university were from NYC or had relatives working there ( ... )


dawn_felagund September 12 2006, 03:05:09 UTC
I was lucky that no one close to me was lost. My f-i-l lost two old friends, but that was the closest that it came to home for me. I am thankful every day for that.

But the stories...they were still people, even if I didn't know them, and I couldn't help but think, What if it had been one of *my* loved ones? The story of the people confined to wheelchairs who couldn't get down the stairs after the planes hit and the people who jumped holding hands is what made me cry the most. I am tearful now, even five years later. It just never goes away.

politicians seem to think that saying it in a speech is like calling on a magical spell that will draw everyone's loyalty to them.

This is so true, and I remember being so incredibly angry at this "magic word." "Oh, remember 9/11; we do this for them!" I don't think that the people who died that day would want killing and hate done in their names. After all, killing and hate are what caused 9/11 in the first place ( ... )


tarion_anarore September 12 2006, 02:23:20 UTC
But how does one fight terrorism?

I wondered that then too. How can you fight, much less declare a war on an idea, something inconcrete at best?

From what the paper said, things basically shut down here. And there was some awful story about a student who saw plane crash into the South Tower where her sister worked. *shudder*

Then, the worst of it today was my roommate came back from the store with some Christian conspiracy theory propaganda about 9/11 with all this skewed bullshit, and I thought "That is sick. How can those people live with themselves?"



dawn_felagund September 12 2006, 03:10:50 UTC
How can you fight, much less declare a war on an idea, something inconcrete at best?

Exactly. And travesties like Abu Ghraib committed while "fighting the war" only give the fundamentalist recruiters more "evidence" as to why all Americans are evil, just as many Americans believe that all Moslems are evil.

The prevailing theory (at least, the theory that Bobby ascribes to) is that terrorism is best "fought" very locally, through intel and law enforcement. Of course, where does our funding go...?

The military.

Then, the worst of it today was my roommate came back from the store with some Christian conspiracy theory propaganda about 9/11 with all this skewed bullshit, and I thought "That is sick. How can those people live with themselves?"What, that 9/11 is punishment for our sins? Is that what it was? (I'm curious ( ... )


tarion_anarore September 12 2006, 03:18:57 UTC
Yay, new icon that has nothing to do with 9/11 but sort of fits anyway.

The prevailing theory (at least, the theory that Bobby ascribes to) is that terrorism is best "fought" very locally, through intel and law enforcement.

That's an interesting theory. I haven't thought much about how to go about things, mainly wondered at the irony of having the commander of our military be someone who probably couldn't even beat me in a game of chess.

Of course, where does our funding go...?

Don't forget pet projects! *Ducks*

What, that 9/11 is punishment for our sins? Is that what it was? (I'm curious.... :) )

Something about how 9/11 was prophesied in Isaiah 9, (Isaiah 9:11 I wonder??) and blah blah blah...I can't remember it all. There was also some "proof" that God had created 9/11 because one of the towers fell "faster than the speed of gravity". Huh?

To believe that the people who lost their families, homes--lives--somehow deserved it? That's sick.Yes. Sometimes I jokingly say things are karma, like when Enron CEO died in the ( ... )


dawn_felagund September 14 2006, 00:43:01 UTC
There was also some "proof" that God had created 9/11 because one of the towers fell "faster than the speed of gravity". Huh?

This made me think of how last night, Bobby got really angry because he was reading the new issue of Dive Training magazine that we just got in, and some religious fundamentalist had written in about how the proof is science is pointing toward intelligent design and when people hear both sides, they tend to choose intelligent design, and how gaps in the fossil record prove intelligent design blah blah blah. He actually ranted. I have not heard Bobby rant in a long time. He tends to be much more subdued than me. :^P ( ... )


1lady_so_divine September 12 2006, 02:34:24 UTC
All I can say is this: I love ya sis!

I'm hormonal-everthing is making me cry.....sheesh! What a week....
Yeah, I'm to the point of tears with all this.....

nuff said'


dawn_felagund September 12 2006, 02:58:28 UTC
And I had no idea that you lost a loved one on the USS Cole. I am so sorry. :(

*big hugs*

Love you too, and you know where I am if you need me. :) (My phone is even charged and *on* :^P)

*more hugs* and take care of yourself and the little ones. :)


(The comment has been removed)

dawn_felagund September 14 2006, 00:45:07 UTC
I find it really odd that they didn't tell you at school, especially since you all were in high school and so presumably mature enough to "handle" such information. Schools closed around here, but of course, one of the attacks (Pentagon) happened literally in our backyard, and at that point, we weren't sure if more planes were coming and where. The prevailing wisdom believed it wisest to get everyone home and stay there. I certainly left UMBC as soon as I had an inkling of what was going on, though I still remain rather irked with my classmates for being so damned casual about everything.

It must be a surreal feeling indeed to look back at that time having been unaware at the time of what was going on. Even my couple hours of cluelessness feel really odd now, in retrospect, like I should have known. I also feel uncomfortable in thinking of how I had allowed myself to dwell on my personal problems when something so much larger was going on...but of course, I didn't know either ( ... )


rinnor September 12 2006, 04:09:03 UTC
Oh dear, and this was going to be my non-politcal, non-controversial persona. That didn't last too long. I will risk being unfriended in favor of stating what many will not see for themselves ( ... )


dawn_felagund September 14 2006, 00:47:31 UTC
You do not have to worry about me unfriending you (unless you turn into a flamer or something, which I highly doubt :^P) and least of all over politics. :)

Only recently has the president said "Islamic fascism," the Islam that wants to dominate the world.

This is interesting and something that never really occurred to me. But of course not...I don't watch the news and least of all that which pertains to Bush. But knowing what my husband goes through with his job at Customs, I can believe it. I hate to say it, but people are simply too PC sometimes. I do not approve of the general populace using skin color or ethnicity as an excuse to treat people with hate, and I'm really personally confused about issues dealing with profiling, to be honest, at airports and such. But I do know that whenever a radical Islamic leader is stopped at the border for being...ummm, a radical Islamic leader, then everyone throws their hands in the air and goes, "OMG it must be racism!" The fact that the same guy was on a soapbox a week before, preaching ( ... )


rinnor September 15 2006, 03:02:48 UTC
After I posted the original I shut down my pc for the night, but I did think for awhile that it came across as rather harsh, even though I looked at it for awhile before posting; there are no absolutes when dealing with large groups, unless they self select on that trait.

Poor Dawn, I thought, here she is sharing her memories of that day and its tragedy and she takes out a red hanky to dab at her eyes when all of a sudden Bam! here comes Rinnor seeing this tiny red flag and charging like a bull. I apologize like that.

Little did you know that you alluded to one of the two issues most likely to start a diatribe, and 9/11 and all its memories was enough to get me started.

Politics has its place, though these days the left and right seem to live in their own worlds and only seemed interested in screaming at each other.

I've never considered myself very political, but it seems I can go on at length about some subjects, however I don't think your LJ is the place to do that ;-)


dawn_felagund September 15 2006, 03:23:58 UTC
Really, you did not come across that way to me at all. :)

And anything that I post as viewable is subject to opinions of my flist. I know that, and that's fine.

So please don't worry about it. Your opinions are always welcome here!

I don't post a lot of political stuff on LJ because I don't know much about it. I find it very aversive, most times. These issues happen to be closer to me because my husband studies them (and I was his editor for enough years to have read my share of papers on them!) and he now works for Customs, so I can speak to what they go through as an agency and what difficulties he faces. Working for law enforcement, I can speak on that too.

After that, I'm naive by choice. ;)

So please don't feel bad or worry about it. You were not perceived that way at all, and even if you did come across as having strong views...well, I've done the same before. It's all good. :)


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