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Comments 15

ann_arien May 3 2006, 15:56:19 UTC
It must have taken you quite some work, building the list. It very useful both for AMC fanatics like to to re-read the novel and also for others who might visit your LJ and become immediately hooked. I've saved AMC on my comp so I can have it within reach at all times. *winks*

Hope you're doing well and not too lonely without hubby. And I trust that he is also faring well. Take care and the muses had better take care of you, too! *hugs*


dawn_felagund May 3 2006, 16:00:33 UTC
Oops, sorry, I meant to backdate this! *teehee and blush*


It's an easier listing than using tags, imho. But I put it together because *whispers* AMC is being nominated for a MEFA. And I needed a chapter listing.

I am doing well; my family and work are keeping me distracted, as will candy once I am finally home alone without a list of obligations to keep me out of the apartment. The muses have been kind to me, especially Erestor. *winkwink*

You know, once your birthday passes, I am so going to miss teasing you! :^D

I hope school is going well, take care, and *hugs back* :)


ann_arien May 3 2006, 19:10:28 UTC
AMC is being nominated for a MEFA. And I needed a chapter listing.

Yaaaay! Whed do we vote, precious, when do we vote? *eager grin* By rights the award is already yours. :)

The muses have been kind to me, especially Erestor. *winkwink*

You know, once your birthday passes, I am so going to miss teasing you! :^D

In case you didn't know, let me remind you again: YOU. ARE. EVOL. >;) And I heart you for it.

Also *pets Erestor* I think he's the bestest muse ever. *hides from Feany*


rhapsody11 May 3 2006, 21:18:13 UTC
Yaaaay! Whed do we vote, precious, when do we vote? *eager grin* By rights the award is already yours. :)

Get yourself listed honey! Voting will start either halfway June 'till end of October. In order to vote, you have to type a review. Here is the site, if you're still have questions, just ask:


But hey, you are also very creative right? Why don't you participate in the fan art part of the MEFA's?


linwe_ancalime May 3 2006, 17:59:16 UTC
You know, I can't lie...I don't really read Elve stuff and that is a lot of reading ;-) but it's also very impressive. I have to admire you for the time and patience you've put into AMC..after 52 chapters I think we may be able to qualify it as an olympic sport! :-)


dawn_felagund May 3 2006, 18:08:57 UTC
350,000 words worth of reading! :^D

If it's an Olympic sport, I think I might not only go representing the US but also carry the American flag at the opening ceremonies! ;^))


linwe_ancalime May 3 2006, 20:29:15 UTC
I don't want to sound like an idiot (so I asked Sharon first :P) but neither of us know....so, what would a MEFA be? *runs and hides with embarrassment*

and I know this is in the wrong place but, Why would you go hiking in a place where you're likely to find the odd dead body? My very pale British butt would be getting out of there fast :-P

Did I mention I'm a scaredy Cat? :P me and Sharon went to see 'An American Haunting' last night and I couldn't sleep for checking the room for ghosts :-P so a hike in a woods where dead body's would be found is not for me :P I guess if Bobby was their to kick some butt I might consider it ;-)

I'm done rambling now :P I didn't mean to go on so much (and off topic) but when out shopping yesterday we figured out that Britain sells Madden and I have currently lost Sharon to the XBox!


rhapsody11 May 3 2006, 21:15:24 UTC
I don't want to sound like an idiot (so I asked Sharon first :P) but neither of us know....so, what would a MEFA be? *runs and hides with embarrassment*

MEFA stands for Middle Earth Fanfiction Awards. It is an all-encompassing Awards contest for Lord of the Rings fanfiction (including the Silmarillion and the Hobbit fanfiction). Only members can nominate stories and authors, and vote on same. Votes will be comment-based, providing everyone with at least one vote with the award of FEEDBACK. Top three places per category will win awards. So the readers basically decides with story wins an award and the author gets feedback by means of reviews on their stories.


If you have any questions: just ask! I am Dawn's MEFA author liaison


atanwende May 3 2006, 19:27:06 UTC
AMC is being nominated for a MEFA. And I needed a chapter listing.

Wheeeheee! Congrats! :-D

The chapter list is a fine idea. Because so, the Heroine can simply add AMC to her memories. ;)


aramel_calawen May 4 2006, 14:20:42 UTC
AMC is being nominated for a MEFA. And I needed a chapter listing.

Oh, rats. Someone beat me to it. Who was it? Own up! :P

Because I am a shameless feedback plugger, I submitted some of my own stuff. Nothing new, unfortunately. My long story which I still haven't thought of a good name for takes what time I have. And Feanor-characterising gives me a headache. And I tell instead of showing. And my character goes all melodramatic. And this is going to turn into a major whingefest, which would be unfair to Dawn's journal, unless I stop.

So there. :)


dawn_felagund May 4 2006, 14:35:37 UTC
I don't know if nominations are anonymous, so I won't say who it was...only that she's on this page somewhere. ;)

Good luck to you, btw! I don't generally believe awards of any sort to be a very reliable measure of quality--although the MEFAs, imho, have the best idea of them all in terms of fanfic awards--but it's a great honor to be nominated. :)


dawn_felagund May 4 2006, 14:57:08 UTC
Oh, and whingefests are allowed here too. ;)

I rarely title a story until it's fully written. "Another Man's Cage" wasn't named until the first chapter was posted. My current NiP (novel in progress) in 100 pages and has no name. *shrugs* "Untitled" always works! :^P

Feanor as a character is evil to write. He's very complicated, and it's hard to walk the line between making him a sometimes-bastard, a sympathetic guy, a credible genius, and slightly mad. :^P I'm about to embark on a novel about him and Nerds, so I guess I'd better get used to it!


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