I Have My Precious Back! and more....

Apr 14, 2006 11:45

I got my car back yesterday! Whee!

It smells like fresh paint and drives like it always did. It's so familiar, like coming home. Aaaah...the steering wheel shakes if I go too fast, the automatic windows don't close very well...but it's my car. I liked the mental rental and all, but it wasn't mine. I couldn't toss garbage about. (Well, I could... ( Read more... )

daily life, randomness

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Comments 27

ssotknapsack April 14 2006, 16:14:59 UTC
My parents are going too, and I really hope that they don't ruin it. We invited them to be polite, expecting that my dad would never go for fondue ("OMG! Something I've never tried!" *bestills heart and faints*) and Sharon scoffed and said just that, so of course he had to go just to spite her. (Gotta love family drama where 63-year-old men act like five-year-olds.)

Heh. Glad someone else picked up on that.

I don't think you can go wrong with cheese and chocolate though. *Drools*


dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 18:37:59 UTC
I hope not. :) Still, the bitch might have to chew someone's ass if I have to put up with the constant complaining and/or passive-aggression.

Ironically, wonder where I get that from? :^P

See you tonight! I look forward to it. :)

(Btw, I found a way to make you your own special wee Easter pie, without raspberry. Squee! :^D)


ssotknapsack April 14 2006, 19:52:41 UTC
Oooh, a wee pie! :-D I can't wait!

Is this a dressy place btw (although chances are you won't get this message until Monday now :-P)?


dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 22:03:09 UTC
Not "dressy" per se...but dressed nicely. :)

I wouldn't show up in dad's infamous red painting T-shirt and salmon-colored shorts in other words. (With socks to the knees, of course!)


ann_arien April 14 2006, 16:17:49 UTC
SQUEEEE!!! for your car. I'm glad that's over and done with, and happy for you, since they did not have to total it.

If I hadn't been stuffing myself with food and various goodies I'd be up the walls now, after reading such delicious descriptions of culinary fiestas. Miam, miam. *goes back to stuffing self*

And ann_arien stuck this smut bunny on my leg that first demanded a novella and now occupies most of my waking thoughts. From PWP to novella...that's something only sick people like Dawn Felagund can manage!

Awww! I love sick people like Dawn Felagund, who turn a smut PWP into a novella. I know what it feels like to have said pairing and things about them on the brain. They've crawled under my skin, too.

I'm off to read AMC 50 now. Hope you have an excellent time tonight. Give your sister lots of hugs and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly.


dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 18:43:14 UTC
If I hadn't been stuffing myself with food and various goodies I'd be up the walls now, after reading such delicious descriptions of culinary fiestas. Miam, miam. *goes back to stuffing self*

Get ready for the picture post, then! The Easter bunnies and ladybugs are so cute! (Or silly!me thinks so. :^P)

You sound like me. Since getting over my illness/injury of a month ago, all I do is eat, eat, eat. I wake up hungry. Sometimes I go to bed hungry. (Luckily, I don't have much of a taste for the candy and ice cream that I make or I'd be quite the pudge!)

Awww! I love sick people like Dawn Felagund, who turn a smut PWP into a novella. I know what it feels like to have said pairing and things about them on the brain. They've crawled under my skin, too.Belegil's been making mad confessions to Talban in the RPG so I haven't been able to work on the story today, but it's one of those stories that I find myself mentally "writing" almost constantly. The fascination started with trying to explain how the pairing that you wanted came to be. ( ... )


digdigil April 14 2006, 16:42:41 UTC
Whoa! Poor you with the "mental rental"! Listening to radio station commercials is analagous (is that the right word? my brain is fried from RPing)to purposely calling out a Balrog to come fight you.

Mmm! Dinner sounds delicious! Don't eat too much now so you'll have room later!

And hee! I hope your Dad behaves himself! There is something about getting older that makes one regress, I think.


dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 18:46:35 UTC
What is it about radio commercials?? Now I have no background in advertising, but I think it's common sense that grating, annoying commercials that make you turn the radio down are not going to sell a product.

There have been radio spots that I despise so much that I turn the radio off when they come on. McDonald's commercials are often the culprit for this, as is this ridiculous commercial for a local car dealer where this guy is making all these ridiculous race car noises. Ugh. So annoying.

(I got your email, btw, but I'll have to reply tomorrow or later tonight as it's hometime in 15 minutes! Woo!)


digdigil April 14 2006, 19:22:03 UTC
Yay! Enjoy your dinner out!


tuxedo_elf April 14 2006, 17:01:21 UTC
I'm sooooo behind on your LJ :(

Glad to hear you have your car back and although it's late I'm even more glad you weren't hurt! Hopefully now you can try to forget about it.

Ohhhh Easter Sweets! Can't wait to see the pics, though I'll probably start drooling!

Gotta love family drama where 63-year-old men act like five-year-olds.

I feel your pain, I really do. Good luck with that!

Best of luck to your sister. :) May I ask what part of the UK she's going to be living in?



dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 18:52:49 UTC
Ooooh...pretty icon! :^D

I'm so behind on everything so don't worry! Candy rules my life right now. When I'm not making candy, I'm thinking about all the candy left to make. :^P

Hopefully now you can try to forget about it.

I hope so. :) I still flinch whenever a car pulls too quickly to stop at a driveway. But trauma was one of my big areas of study in uni, so I know that this is normal and that it will go away. (I hope.) Iirc, I have three months (and many more symptoms!) before I'm eligible for post-traumatic stress disorder. ;)

I feel your pain, I really do. Good luck with that!I know you do. I clench my fists reading about your f-i-l. Did it ever seem, when you were young, that adults all had to be grown-up? I mean, if I'd known how silly and immature grown people can act, I think that I wouldn't have worked so hard at being "mature" and thought of as "adult ( ... )


tuxedo_elf April 15 2006, 03:16:00 UTC
Thanks! Only a google job - snag if you like. :)

It takes time... I was involved in a crash a few years ago and big lorries/trucks still make me nervous. *Hugs*

Gods he was dreadful tonight. Snarked at *every* oppertunity. I hid. I admit it. You're right... being grown up was such a big deal once - now you're lucky if you find one 'grown up' in a room full of adults!

Nice place! You'll love it when you visit! ^_^


dawn_felagund April 15 2006, 13:41:01 UTC
My dad actually managed to behave last night. :^O

I can't wait to visit. Bobby and I have needed an excuse to visit Europe for some time now anyway.... ;)


tarion_anarore April 14 2006, 17:47:59 UTC
Meanwhile, I've been plugging through Easter candy. I don't even like Easter, no, but the candy molds are really cute.

As proof of the sadness of my life, I thought this said:
"Meanwhile, I've been plugging through Erestor candy. I don't even like Erestor..."

O.o I blame Alina, and that I just read her Erestor short story.

Chocolate...raspberry...Ohhh, remind me to skip your next candy entry!!! ;P

"Party with Cheese"

Inevitably, this made me think "Would you like to go to the pants party?"

Hope dinner is nice!! Have some for me!!
Hey, it's only fair that I should cross your mind once in awhile at dinner, since every single time I sit there and pick out the "good" lettuce at the salad bar - quite a lot - I think of Arafinwe, which is your fault! ;)


dawn_felagund April 14 2006, 18:58:07 UTC
As proof of the sadness of my life, I thought this said:
"Meanwhile, I've been plugging through Erestor candy. I don't even like Erestor..."

Bwah! I don't like Easter, but I like Erestor just fine. :)

And I do like the traditions of Easter...it just annoys me seeing a pagan holiday pawned off as Christian. If we want to engage in pagan traditions, methinks that we should do them on the Vernal Equinox like pagans do and keep all the Christian resurrection stuff for Easter. :^P

(And not call it Easter! Too close to pagan "Eastre!" Call it "Resurrection Day" or something! Then I can get out of "celebrating" it!)

Inevitably, this made me think "Would you like to go to the pants party?"

*sporfle* Which in turn makes me think of the Silmarillion Pants Game we were playing that one time....

Hope dinner is nice!! Have some for me ( ... )


tarion_anarore April 14 2006, 19:04:38 UTC
I like both Erestor and Easter. *Image of Erestor in bunny costume comes unbidden to mind*

Well, it wouldn't be a true Christian holiday if the traditions weren't originally pagan!! ;)

*sporfle* Which in turn makes me think of the Silmarillion Pants Game we were playing that one time....

Lol! Well, to combine them, I would certainly go to a Feanorian Pants Party! ;D

*accepts blame...gladly* That's hilarious! I'd forgotten about that part myself! *huggles Arafinwe*

I don't think I can ever forget! Maybe it's my aversion to red lettuce! ;)

Because of this, I will hoist a cheese-laden piece of bread and loudly declare, "For Tarion!" at dinner tonight. And you can even ask my sister [info]ssotknapsack if I did it. ;)

SWEET!! Lol! I will definitely have to ask her! ;)


ann_arien April 14 2006, 19:17:29 UTC
I like both Erestor and Easter. *Image of Erestor in bunny costume comes unbidden to mind*

Feany (ponders on image of Erestor in a bunny costume): *rolls on floor laughing* MWAAHAHAHAHHAAHAHA! Oh, wait, is it, like, one of those Playmates bunny costumes. I could dig that...


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