In about a week,
tahmthelame and I are embarking on grand adventures: a sister road trip guaranteed to feature bad smells, weird sights, and loud music. Sadly, we are flighty beasts who have only managed to plan an itinerary with about three stops in twenty-four hours of travel time. That's okay! It's what we want.
But we can do better.
(She doesn't know I'm making this post.)
(She doesn't have the Internet right now.** By the time she finds out, it will be far too late.)
Once, on a family road trip, our dad made up a scavenger hunt for us to play on the road. We got everything on the list except for black cows in a red barn, which apparently only exist five minutes from our house, which we passed at four in the morning the day we left. We even saw license plates from all fifty states that year. It was huge fun.
As I was driving home from
engelhardtlm1's graduation party the other day, thinking about this four-day travelstravaganza, the memory returned. A scavenger hunt! But who would write us one? Then I thought, gosh! How fun would it be to solicit challenges from the Internet? The Internet is smart! It knows about fun things!
So how about it, Internet?
I'm looking for challenges along the lines of mild dares, scavenger hunt demands, photo opportunities, and activity suggestions. You post them in the comments. I make a big list, take it along on the trip, and we see how many of them we can do.
We'll be in the mid-Atlantic region. Our trip will hit one chintzy outdoor exhibit, one beach, one forest, and one historical site. We'll be in three different hotels and may or may not be meeting friends. (You know who you are, friends. We would like an email, please.) I believe we'll be passing through five states. We are hardcore nerds. We don't like spending money. We like being clever. We are quite lazy.
Caveats: We are not libertines. Challenges to do with drinking, seduction, or property destruction are likely to remain undone. (I'm flexible on the property destruction.) We're also attempting to have fun, so challenges likely to impair that, like "Eat nothing but Cheetos" or "Flash a cop", are probably not going to get checked off the list. (Unless we can think of a funny workaround.)
Can you please help make our trip more awesome?
tahmthelame texted while I was writing this.
Her: Internet still not working. How did you survive??
Me: Did not. Died.
Her: Say nice things at my wake. :(