Title: The Long and Winding Road
dapattyCrossover: Spn/Life
Art Rating/Warnings: all art is G and worksafe; Fic rating is higher
Characters: Sam, Dean, and a whole boatload of season 5 Supernatural characters; Charlie Crews, Dani, and Rachel from Life
Disclaimer: In no way, shape, or form is this my fruit basket or Impala.
Summary: If the Winchesters start the Apocalypse, the least Charlie Crews can do is help fix it by trying to fix them. The path he’s on is aimed for Detroit and on the way he meets angels, devils, the Anti-Christ and a few old friends-some wearing trucker hats and a few tough women. All while trying to show up when he’s needed if just to talk or heal.
Notes: This is part of a series and I have had the pleasure of playing in this AU playground before. It was a lot of fun working with
dapatty who is a gracious and supportive playmate. This is my second entry into
sncross_bigbang this round.
Life Primer: Fear not if you are not familiar with Life, a wonderful quirky cop series that was collateral damage in the tv writer's strike. Here is all you need to know: Charlie's life parallels Sam Winchester's a little in that he is maneuvered by a powerful man hoping to groom him to take over an evil empire, this time of the distinctly unsupernatural type. In Charlie's case he is framed for the murder of his police partner and serves a long time in prison before being exonerated. His settlement puts him back on the force, with money in his pockets, and with a deep anger and need for revenge that he attempts to control through the study of Zen. It often works, but not always. Rachel is his almost niece, the daughter of the people he was wrongly convicted of murdering. Dani is his new partner.
Story Master Post:
http://dapatty.livejournal.com/64357.html Cover art:
Banner: Life is a Stage
Chapter Header:
Framed: Sam and Dean, with Charlie (and bonus fruit!)
Framed: Dani
Framed: God
Framed: Lucifer
Framed: Kali