Episode Discussion: Numb3rs 5.07 - Charlie Don't Surf

Nov 16, 2008 17:59

Please limit Episode Discussions for 5.06 to this post to avoid spoilers, confusion, etc.

Note: This post WILL contain SPOILERS for Episode 5.07 - Charlie Don't Surf

~ Our beloved David wasn’t there much last night since he had his bit of a spotlight last week, but when he was there, he looked gooooood! And of course, he was funny too…I did love it when he kicked the door to stop the guy on the motorcycle…that was hawt!!

~ The star of the epi was clearly Colby. I soooooooooooo enjoyed all of his surf-speak and loved that he was the one who pointed out that Nathan’s death wasn’t an accident. It was really great to see this side of him, especially knowing how Dylan loves to surf!! I also love that he sneaked into some of the surfing footage! WHEEE!! When he ran and jumped onto the boat, immediately pulling out his gun….OMGTHUD! I also loved it when he went to Hagan’s shop to ask about the board they found and said while he was there he was going to order one for himself. Then of course, there’s Colby in a wetsuit…um…YUM!! Also, let us not forget the wonderful miracle that was us getting to see Colby in BDUs. *sighs Any tiny glimpse of soldier!Colby that he can get, I’ll take it. I was so excited when I first saw him that I think I almost came up off of the couch and did a dance. hahaha

~ Nathan was amazing. I really enjoyed his character and the fact that he was a true surfer right down to his soul and that he was a man of integrity. I hate it when the super good guys get killed by stupid/greedy people. The guy who played Nathan is actually a professional surfer!!

~ Larry was just simply amazing to me in this epi. The way that he described the ocean, the waves, the pulses through the universe…it was amazing to me. I also love when he brought the wetsuits and pulled them out of the bag, so seriously stating, “Waves.” Then, I was also highly amused when Charlie wrote his equation on the board and he said, “Dude.” So cute!! I dunno…he was just simply adorable in this episode.

~ Nikki - I LOVED her straightened bangs! She’s sooo pretty to me anyways, but I really loved her hair that way. I also thought it was funny how she is always so badass, but when talking about the otters, she was being all cute about it. Haha Yes, amused, am I. I liked that she got to help with the booby traps on the island!

~ Don and Charlie - I felt like there was something missing here. A childhood friend died and yet after that small part at the beginning, neither of them talked about it to anyone, not even Alan. I thought Charlie was acting really strangely in this episode and unlike himself. As for Donnie, I feel like they were sort of hinting at a feeling of regret that he didn’t stick with baseball…but then again, they didn’t really spend enough time on it for me to be sure.

~ Alan - I was glad to get to see this side of Alan. We rarely get to see him discussing his children and his thoughts and feelings about them with another father. This was an interesting glimpse, I thought. I was also glad that he showed Nathan’s father the video where Nathan said his father saved his life. That was a really great thing for him to do.

I am sure that I’ve forgotten several things that I wanted to mention, but I’ll turn it over to you now. What were YOUR thoughts??

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