Steampunk Project 1

Jan 06, 2008 23:45

A rather unattractive grey XD/SmartMedia card reader is converted into something rather more fitting for the steampunk office. This is my first attempt at this sort of modding, so I went for something simple and not too ambitious. (Next time I'll have a go at a graphics tablet.)

Ugly isn't it.

First paint the "brass" on. I used a cheap and cheerful acrylic enamel, and then sprayed the USB cable.

Apply sticky-backed plastic to the back and sides

Add edging to the front and we're done.

I'm not entirely happy, it looks better from a distance, and I'm not convinced I've quite captured the feel. It looks a little like a 1960s formica copy.

For a first attempt that took under 2 hours, including drying, I don't think its too shabby though. Maybe next time I'll dismantle one and rebuild it out of real wood and brass


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