После того, как все экзамены проверены, оценки выставлены и шок от экзаменов уже позади, некоторым студентам начинает казаться, что они получили оценку ниже той, которую они заслужили. ( что дальше? )
there is fourth type of the situation when there was a conflict between the student and the teacher. I had one of those. end up dropping class and reenrolling in a different semester. how to fight those besides doing what i did. as a matter of fact, that was an english composition, and my opinion on the book was different form the teachers opinion. and yes, it was teacher not me. He was 45 yo, who just finished his education, and was proud of it. I know that type of pride all too well. I was studying to be a teacher back in Russia.
Люди бывают разные (в том числе и преподаватели). Однако, в случае конфликта, описанного вами, у студента всегда есть как минимум две возможности: отказаться от класса (drop the class) или подать жалобу в отдел по делам студентов (dean of students office).
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