I'm not surprised. ;) I'm pretty sure that you and I are in the minority in thinking that Eugene=awesome. Which is a shame really, because he was. *g* And thank you for the comment. :)
You know who really needs an icon? Detective Swanson, from They Keep Killing Suzie. More than snarky enough to cope with Jack - in fact, to run him over twice and come back for more ;) She could take the entire Torchwood crew with one hand behind her back, and then run the place single-handedly, and still do a better job than they're doing.
Brilliant character. And I've just been informed - slow, me ;) - that she's played by the same actor who played Jabe.
Seriously hope we get more Swanson this season, and that she wipes the floor with Jack's butt again ;)
Very true. She was awesome. The best TW team would have to include her and Suzie. And Jack, because he can be deleted twice and still come back for more. Oh, and Tosh, because she lesbian!kisses better than Gwen.
And I agree, you should totally make an icon of Swanson.
Comments 8
Brilliant character. And I've just been informed - slow, me ;) - that she's played by the same actor who played Jabe.
Seriously hope we get more Swanson this season, and that she wipes the floor with Jack's butt again ;)
And I agree, you should totally make an icon of Swanson.
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