Comment and I will....
a) Tell you why I friended you.
b) Associate you with something -- a fandom, song, colour, photo, etc.
c) Tell you something I like about you.
d) Tell you a memory I have of you.
e) Ask you something I've wanted to know about you
f) Tell you my favourite userpic from your list
g) In return, you need to post
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Comments 47
b) It's silly, but I associate you with the whole other half of the country. *g* Wild, wild west embodied. *g*
c) You always seem to be organising something. It's inspiring. :)
d) Erm... it seems no sleep isn't conductive to my memory...
e) Do you believe in fairies?
f) This one:
( ... )
I approve of this :P
I also am not unhappy at being your embodiment of the 'wild wild west' (come to the dark side, we have gorgeous wines, chocolate and cookies...)
I love to be part of things and organising stuff - its kind of necessary to have places to sink the enormous amounts of energy my over emotive and easily inspired self generates. (I have wondered if I could power Perth from it sometimes...) Plus, that rush of being involved with such amazing people, learning so much and sharing so much - such an incredible positive feeling and really that connectionism makes it all that much easier - benefit from others experience and all that means you don't have to make ALL the mistakes yourself (mostly my organising stuff is born out of innate laziness :P)
Umm... obviously today is a babbly day.
Wine, cookies *and* chocolate? I'll book the first flight... ;) My old boss was from Perth, actually. He was always trying to convince me to visit the city...
b) Muse. Yes, the word. All four letters of it. *g*
c) Nothing phases you. :)
d) ... *innocent whistle*
e) When do you find time to sleep? *g*
f) This one:
( ... )
e. Now and again, insufficiently and randomly... mostly, I sleep through the weekends actually. Like, get up in the morning to feed the cat, check on who's online and catch up a bit, maybe write a bit? and then I crash again, till the late afternoon or early evening. >.>
b) MTV. Yup, that's right.
c) You're talented like hell and you're very easy to talk to. :)
d) Being told off for my very clever blonde jokes...
e) Why History? What captured you?
f) This one:
( ... )
e) I always had this thing where I need to undertand the world because I'm a bit too empathic and looking at the world and society in a logic sequence helps me make sense of my own emotions and who I am. It started like that and then it sort of became a fascination with the cause-consequence analysis through history.
f) I totally knew you'd pick that one ;)
f) *g* Predictable, I know, but...
Mostly because I'm sitting here half-dressed getting ready to run out the door. XD
Anyway, I love doing these things for people I'm not close with. Just... I dunno. Out of curiosity.
a) I don't actually remember... but I've enjoyed the friendship. :)
b) Captain Jack. *g* Not sure why...
c) You're very open. :)
d) My memory is failing again. I really need more sleep...
e) Are you really moving to warmer climates?
f) This one:
( ... )
b) Doctor Who'd be a bit obvious, wouldn't it?
c) You make brilliant graphics. :)
d) Maybe I should come back and answer d) after I've got some sleep. I just... can't think. :P
e) I've always pictured you with fair hair... I'm not sure why. Am I right?
f) This one:
( ... )
c) Why thank you.
e) Not anymore. Used to be blonde when I was little, now I'm just sort of blah brown.
f)*stares with you*
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