Title: He Heals Me (4/4)
Author: DauntPerplexity
Rating: PG 13
Pairing: Dean/Castiel
Spoilers: We’ll just say season 5
Length: 11,719
Summary: “Okay, Mr. Know-it-all,” Dean replied. “Just because you tell me everything.”
Author’s Notes: So, these are just a bunch of one shots that could or could not take place in Dean and Castiel’s relationship.
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Comments 12
This was... wow. :D I especially loved the last one, but all of them were fantastic. I liked the different POVs, and the ones where there was just dialouge. <3
The last story was probably one of my favorite ones to write.
Thank you for reading!
Thanks for reading!
Thank you for reading!
Particularly loved this line: I-Damnit, Cas! Come back. Cas! I was trying to tell you that I love you too. Stupid angel.
Thanks for reading!
I absolutely ADORE these little drabbles. They're all so cute and romantic and sometimes funny as well. I think my all-time favourite is #11, the whole "you gotta tell him yourself Dean otherwise he'll keep thinking him sacrificing himself isn't a big deal" thing.
This part, from #15, makes me all warm inside: Of course I noticed, stupid angel. I noticed the second you were out of my sight. It just took me awhile to find you because I kept getting stopped by everyone.
Oh, thank you so much. I tried to make sure that they weren't all one type of mood and that there were different stories to tell. That was a fun one to write. It just needed to be said. Right?
That was one of my favorite lines to write in this entire thing.
Thank you for reading!
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