Montezuma Part 2/2

Jun 07, 2008 01:17

Title: Montezuma
Author: daughtershade
Fandom: Magnificent 7 (ATF AU)/NCIS
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None
Prompt: The two teams have to work together on a case.
Summary: A murder of a Marine Corporal brings Gibbs and the NCIS team in conflict with Denver’s ATF special unit Team Seven.

Part 1

Montezuma Part 2 )

ncis fic, mag7 fic

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Comments 24

doll_revolution June 7 2008, 05:52:18 UTC

i had forgotten how much i liked the ATF-verse! thanks for reminding me.

i really liked this, i think everyone was totally in character, and i loved the interactions between chris and gibbs, and ezra and tony.

a great read, YAY!!


daughtershade June 7 2008, 05:54:26 UTC
Wow. You are a really fast reader. I still haven't finished posting everything yet. :D

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it!


tikiaceae June 7 2008, 06:34:32 UTC
Oh, wow. M7 and NCIS, yay!!! I love JD and Abby. And Chris and Gibbs and Tony and Ezra...



daughtershade June 7 2008, 06:35:57 UTC
Thanks! They all smoosh up together so nice don't they?


ex_egorstan June 7 2008, 09:12:00 UTC
I have to say that I absolutely loved this story. So well written, (especially the characters) and a very interesting plot.

Thanks for sharing! and I hope you intend to do more.

psst ... also loved the wallpaper for the story.


daughtershade June 7 2008, 16:12:51 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you liked the story and the wallpaper. I had fun writing it.


anonymous June 7 2008, 17:28:40 UTC
I loved Sammy's M7/NCIS, and I'm always looking for more crossovers between those two. Imagine my joy when I found your story!

I liked it, and the interaction between the teams was well written. I would really like to read a sequel.

PS: Have you tought of posting this at I'm sure the people there would enjoy your story, too.


anonymous June 7 2008, 17:29:12 UTC
I loved Sammy's M7/NCIS-fic, and I'm always looking for more crossovers between those two. Imagine my joy when I found your story!

I liked it, and the interaction between the teams was well written. I would really like to read a sequel.

PS: Have you tought of posting this at I'm sure the people there would enjoy your story, too.


daughtershade June 8 2008, 16:38:40 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you liked it. I'll also think about the archive, thanks.


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