Same "rules" as always - I'm writing while watching. And of course this post won't be dial-up friendly ^^
Ok, after I saw the epi yesterday I was fairly disappointed. So now I'm giving it a second shot. Maybe I will like it better this time around ^^
I must say, I like the first few seconds a lot. This Wild West feeling is just great. And I must
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Comments 9
I would say just the right length!
You did a great job!
I loved Sara and Cath in this episode!
„What is she like?“ I only thought, no Sara, why did you ask?
And Cath starts to burble; the scene was great.
Sara, LH and Griss oh yeah. I waited for this concourse the whole time.
I think Brass knows about Grissom and Sara. But it doesn’t matter, after the next epi everybody will know it.
Cath wants to slap Grissom; (me too)! The expression on his face was glorious.
Hehe, but in a way I think I know where Sara was coming from. I would be just as curious ^^ Damn fault I know...
I soo can't wait for the next episode ^^ Want to know how the whole thing gets in the open.
But that was the case. The other guy paid over 800,000 bucks to basically kill her. And drinking that scotch as a diabetic would make her blood pressure drop even faster and assist in the killing. And her not fighting back...
So yeah, basically she was ready to let herself be murdered to get money for her grandchild.
Cheesy, yes. But a lot of people ragging on Grissom seeem to miss that.
But great post! Love the format. How long does it take you? Wub the pretty piccies, Grissom sure looked hawt.
I know, but before "Pottr" nobody would have thought such a thing of LH... Even after her appearance there I think is OOC... As Griss said LH is tough as nails...
Oy such a post takes at least an 1-1,5h (incl. watching the episode ^^ - cause writing while watching ^^)
Griss was teh hawtness in person ^^
But ITA, it was totally soapy. I never thought they'd do that after Pirates, but never say never, huh?
JEANS!!! ;)
I bet it took ages to post all that :)
Thank you! Love to post those summaries! And yeah - I think it took 1,5h to post it ^^ Am just glad the LJ didn't act up - the last time I worked so long on posting it, cause the LJ just screwed with the format...
woah! ja ich hier auch! als cath dann auch noch mit sara über Lh geredet hat...hui- slash.
Ha-ha, Brass and LH - those two "love" each other ^^
oh, ich glaub ihre interaktionen könnt ich mir ewig anschauen. sie bleiben beide immer so höflich (und unterschwellig böse, lol).
haha, ich hab auch gedacht, dass grissom sara Lh vorstellen wollte, als er meinte "there's someone I want you to meet". im gleichen moment dacht ich aber, dass es echt schlecht gewesen wär, wenn er das getan hätt udn war dann froh, dass es nicht so war.
- und jetzt noch mal zum finale. ich bin verwirrt. ich hatte in den auf serienjunkies gelesen, dass wohl feststand, dass sara sterben würde und jorja nicht zum drehen erschienen ist. hm, so wie das aussah, scheint es da ja noch hoffnung zu geben. hm, seltsam. weißt du das zufällig mehr drüber?
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