[The datapad shows Tenel Ka in her room, expressionless as she moves to her bedside table and picks up the lightsaber that rests there. A moment passes before she folds her left arm behind her back and thumbs the weapon on with a familiar snap hiss.]
I have few memories of my last hours. I apologise to anyone I may have hurt or injured.
[The feed
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[He doesn't say anything, just watches, fascinated.]
You look really good. With the lightsaber, I mean.
[She inclines her head. There's something familiar about this boy, although she can't quite tell what] Years of practice has leant me no small amount of skill, yes. It was not a weapon I preferred, at first.
It looks like it'd be hard to get used to.
Fact. [She holds out the hilt for him to see, carved out of a rancor tooth] The blade itself has no weight; that is all in the hilt. It can throw your balance off, if you are unused to it. [a beat] I am Tenel Ka. I don't think we've met before.
Is that ivory...? I read an account of someone using one, once, and they said it felt more like a tool than a weapon, because of the weight thing.
[And slight reddening.]
Oh! Sorry, I forgot. I'm Luke, Luke Skywalker.
It is a rancor tooth. This is not my original lightsaber, although it is very similar. [She pauses, thinking] This is not an inaccurate description, although it goes deeper than that. A Jedi must think of a lightsaber as an extension of themselves - a weapon and a tool, yes, but more than that. A weapon so dangerous cannot be so lightly treated. It is a concept I had difficulty with, when I was younger.
[There's a slight expression of surprise on her face, before he receives a faint smile] I am glad to have met you, Luke.
Yeah... They look like swords, but they're all 'edge'. It's amazing that you can do all that [he means the forms].
[She kept more composure than some of the others... Luke notices, but he ignores it.] Thanks!
As I said. Like most things worth learning, it takes time and effort.
I'll bet. I learned the rifle in a few months, but they're pretty different things. How long did you have to practice to get comfortable with it?
Ah. This would depend on your definition of the word comfortable. There was an incident when I first constructed my lightsaber that taught me to view it with respect; I was comfortable with using it after this, but it was a matter of years before I gained true skill with it.
I guess... when you don't have to think about it. When it feels like part of you, like you said earlier. I've felt like that with machines, sometimes...
Some people have a connection with things other than themselves. Such a thing is not unusual. [She looks at her lightsaber] I do not have quite the same view of this as some other Jedi. A lightsaber is a tool of the Jedi, yes, but it should not be their only tool. Likewise with the Force.
It just makes sense not to get... complacent, I guess. It's a big galaxy.
This is a fact.
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