[Ladies and gentlefolk, there is a shirtless military man on your screen right now. He’s not looking too pleased about the situation, but he doesn’t appear to be having an issue with the tech]This is Staff Commander Kaidan Alenko of the Systems Alliance speaking, does anybody read me? I appear to have been kidnapped to an unknown world - or at
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Comments 104
first Joker, and now] Kaidan.
The...exploitation film about the first hanar Spectre? [what even]
Yeah, thank, hilarious, Revan. The irony's just fucking priceless. Goddammit.
Someone by the name of Revan is trying to recruit people into his war by bringing us from our worlds to this one. You're in the apartments. We all start here.
Oh, and those droids wandering around will give you clothing if you ask them nicely.
[And oh...he's not too good on explaining it too deeply, so he looks a bit confused for a minute.] Well...Suppose there are worlds you don't know about. Can't see, for whatever reason. You just have to find a way in, right? Revan knows how to pull you in. You're not where you were before. And he's not interested in sending us back.
...Great.] Well. I wish I could tell you I had good news. [Actually no, no he doesn't. You deserve all the bad news, Kaidan.]
We were brought here by a being named Revan, through use of a universal power of this dimension known as the Force. At the present there is a great deal of friction between the natural inhabitants of this world, Coruscant, and those of us brought here, inflamed in no small part by a plague now ravaging both groups. Areas of quarantine have been set- I would advise not making contact with those who appear ill in any way.
There are droids with clothing within their hulls as well. [He does the weird frog space blink- right, introductions.] I am Thane Krios.
Okay, so w0hen you say 'universal power', what exactly are you talking about? [Brb trying to figure out how SCIENCE could make this happen. When he speaks next, his tone holds some dry humour] It just wouldn't be complete without politics and some sort of horrible disease, I guess. Is it crossing species boundaries too?
Thane Krios. [a beat, as he considers the name and pulls up a blank] You wouldn't be travelling with Commander Shepard's crew as well, would you?
I have been told it is a form of energy created by all living things and an anchor to the universe itself. I have seen it used in ways very similar to biotics, but the scope, magnitude and use of it far out stretch that of biotic ability. In this world it seems some have the potential to harness it while others simply do not. [He shakes his head] I am uncertain. It seems unable to effect the drell or turian, though this could simply be chance.
Yes, Commander Shepard holds my contract. I was enlisted for help in defeating the Collectors. [hm] And you were from her first crew.
So people can just pick things up and throw them around without the hassle of implants, basically? Including picking up people, and throwing them through time and space. [he shakes his head] Is anyone working on a cure?
I - yeah, I am. [a beat] Contract. So you're an assassin? [why, Shepard!?]
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