02 ★ Second Promise | Video

Aug 06, 2011 01:01

[This video is taken from the Senate seat of your Revanite representative, Nathan Petrelli. It's easy to see the sweeping rotunda of the Senate chambers from here, each Republic world represented by one of the cells that looks so tiny on the other side of the vast expanse. Nathan's standing at his podium, which is floating out from its customary position right now as he's addressing his gathered Senators. Dressed in a finely cut suit that's close to, but not exactly like, something from Earth, he doesn't look like a happy camper at all. Surprise. And with the way the place is in an uproar, it's kind of obvious why.

His manly square jaw is set very tightly in reaction to the noise, though luckily most people can't see that.]

Fellow Senators. [He makes a point of that - of saying fellow - as if he can actually remind them that he's one of them, not some outsider thrust in their ranks]  By now, you're all more than familiar with the 'Revanite' cause, given the recent vote to require registration of all parties displaced from their dimensions of origin.

Registrations have come pouring in, a show of faith and compliance that I hope we can all agree speaks to our desire to be a part of this Republic, as fully recognized citizens, for however long we're here.

However, one problem remains with this bill that has as of yet been largely ignored by this delegation. [ Actually, there are like 50 problems with it, which he has been very vocal about it, but too late for any more arguments about that. B| ] As you're aware, we've come to this universe from places as diverse as the assembled group of us here today. Few of us arrived with any friends, family, or other connections, and none of us were brought here under our own volition. Revan himself has admitted to bringing us here, but he's also publicly announced that his intentions in doing so are to attempt to tear this Republic apart by directing its focus onto the issue of our continued existence and loyalties, and away from the war effort. I invite you all to view this broadcast for yourself [He waves a hand at the data display in front of him] which has been uploaded to each of your terminals.

[He raises his chin slightly, resting both hands on the podium and leaning forward. SENATOR STANCE. And srs business voice.]

We are not Revan's soldiers.

We are not Revanites.

The proposal I bring before the Senate today is to officially revoke the term Revanite as our political label, and amend it to the term "Outworlders", which better represents exactly what it is that binds us together. Plenty of these men and women openly oppose Revan and his efforts, and yet they're still forced to deal with the consequences of the prejudice associated with this title.

Let's be honest. "Revanite" is a slur term, used to associate each of us with being a threat to this galaxy, which many of those who have been branded with the term have been fighting or giving their lives to protect.

I think we can all agree that it isn't the kind of terminology that belongs in a political system intended to be free of prejudice, which is a necessity in a galactic government comprised of such a diverse body.

[With that, his hand passes over a button on the podium, and his dais returns to its cell. There's a buzz of conversation around the Senate, most of it sounding argumentative, mixed with the sounds of mocking laughter in a variety of tones and cadences, and the droning translations of various droids, majordomos, etc. The video of Revan that Nathan's sent to each of their podiums is heard playing from all corners of the room. Under his breath, he mutters to his own aide:]

Watch them accuse us of sticking someone in a Revan costume and recording that one ourselves, next.

[From his seat, Supreme Chancellor Cressa looks less than impressed, his white eyes trained on Nathan.]  It would serve you better to not speak of us as though we were not here, Senator Petrelli.

[Nathan’s eyes shoot in that direction, and he keeps his voice low enough to just be picked up by those in his booth still, rubbing his temple once]  ... Even better.

[ooc; Post is open to datapad responses which your Senator will get to once he is home from the meeting :’D Also open to action spam either a) at his apartment, b) outside the Senate Chambers on his way out, or c) in the Senate Chambers if your character has some reason to be there o__o ]

nathan petrelli

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