01 ★ First Promise | Video

Jun 21, 2011 19:50

[Have a very official looking broadcast, Revanites.  Nathan's managed to find tailors who will make him something resembling the kinds of suit he's comfortable in, so he's dressed to the nines.  Some of you, who follow the news closely, might have heard about his hard won battle to be elected as a representative of your interests over the past months.  The rest of you probably don't recall ever seeing his face around, since he hasn't exactly swung by to visit any time since he showed up here.

But that's why he's here now, with a big reassuring smile on your screens]

Some of you may be wondering who I am, but I hope that to most of you, the battle I've been fighting on our behalf is not a foreign one.  My name is Nathan Petrelli, and I arrived here months ago, the same way you all did.  Confused.  Alone.  Thrust into this bizarre world with no way to tell whether it was reality or an elaborate illusion: the product of someone with the ability to manipulate the senses, create entire worlds that were false realities.   Many of us have been here long enough now to know that whatever this place is, it's the reality we have to deal with, here and now.   Unfortunately, we've had more and more road blocks placed in our way, as the galaxy's grown suspicious of who we are, why we're here, and where we stand.

I'm proud to be able to come before you all with a message of victory:  with my election to the Senate, as a representative of all those displaced by Revan into this world, we've taken a drastic step towards achieving the power to make a real difference here.

As many of you are probably aware, for weeks now, various parties have been working to push a Registration Act through the Senate, that would essentially strip all the displaced of their rights to privacy.  Your conversations, public and private, would be subject to investigation.  All activities and records the government could gather would become available for public scrutiny.

Even the most noble among us, those with nothing to hide, value our rights as individuals, and the privacy of our families and ourselves.  More dangerous than that, however, is the inevitable slippery slope that would result from the passage of this act: from Registration, we'd potentially become targeted for anything we said or did that was viewed as suspicious, and government actions could become more extreme.

It's essential that as a unit we come to stand against this act.  That's why I'm reaching out to each and every one of you to show your support for voting down the Act.  Spreading the word about the good we've done, working to convince those in power to cast their vote against this, these are things you can all contribute to the cause.

So what do you say?  Stand with me?  Or stand idly by and allow your freedoms to be snatched away - leaving you in the same position you were when you first came here.  Scared.  Alone.  And yet another victim of this war.

nathan petrelli

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