(no subject)

Jun 27, 2010 09:16

infinite. g. myungsoo-centric. 1250 words. Because I'm doing you a favor.


As soon as he comes near the driveway, Myungsoo crouches down and grabs at the hose that's lying in a heap. He gets a hold of one end, the metal part where the water flushes out, and after getting a tight grip, he starts to pull in the rest. He hasn't even undid it from its coil when he hears large and heavy footsteps coming down the cemented stairs.

Sunggyu looks down at Myungsoo, almost forgetting about the black trash bag in his hands. Taking out the trash just happens to become less important at that second.

"What's that on your face?" he asks, the question blurting out itself. He already has an idea of what it is, but it's polite to ask. Myungsoo covers his face over with the hand that isn't touching the hose. Then realizing how useless the hose is now, he drops that too.

"It's not a bruise or anything," he answers. His hand's nursing his cheek, his fingers starting to feel wet. "It's egg."

"Oh," Sunggyu replies. He looks back at the house. "Why didn't you just come in and wash up?"

Myungsoo shrugs his shoulders, despite having an answer. "The others would've asked. I would've told the truth."

"Oh," Sunggyu repeats. Myungsoo goes for the hose again. Even when the stream of water lightly hits his face, he can still see Sunggyu's legs in parallel with the trash bag.

"Does this always happen?" Sunggyu asks.

"They usually only talk bad behind my back," Myungsoo slowly answers. "I guess they were in the mood to throw an egg today."

He grabs the faucet, spreading his fingers around it. He accidentally turns it clockwise, forgetting that he has to turn it the other way to shut the water off. He quickly turns it the correct way after more water blasts out.

"They're just jealous of your handsome face," Sunggyu tells him when they head in the direction of their front door. Myungsoo mindlessly nods to the sound of Sunggyu's reassuring voice being overcome by the click of the door knob. They both walk into the living room together, and Myungsoo gets greeted by 5 faces, all attached to bodies crushing each other on the couch. He waits for Sunggyu to tell them; he doesn't.

Sungjong rubs one of his cheeks into Myungsoo's face when they try to adjust to Myungsoo adding onto their pile. "Your face is smooth," he points out. Everyone else gets curious and puts out their hands to get a feel. Myungsoo smiles. They don't have to know.


Ji Ae is 18 years old, close to Sungjong's and Myungsoo's age. He assumes that because she's more comfortable around Sungjong, already hitting him with the blanket they're letting her borrow, that maybe he can get along with her too. He thinks of this while he's leaning on Sungjong, feeling him step back when Ji Ae's thrashing the blanket wildly.

Later on, he figures out it's not that easy. He notices that she warms up to almost all of them quickly, all except him and Sungyeol. Sungyeol blindly tries again and again to establish a relationship, but Myungsoo lacks the motivation. She gives him weird looks. Gives him an even weirder one when he tries out his acting skills on her and gets shouted for it after. He's about to explain it's only acting, using very few details so he won't have to feel uncomfortable talking for a long time, until Ji Ae blurts out that she wants snacks. And at random, she picks Myungsoo to go with her. She chooses him so fast that he doubts she picked him by closing her eyes and pointing at anybody.

They walk at a steady pace until the lights of the convenience store reach their feet. She's fast to get to the door, but he's quick enough to slam it to the side so it doesn't swing back and assault them in their backs. If she got hit by a door under his supervision, that would make him a bad brother.

In the store, he's ahead of her every step of the way. He knows where the snacks are by memory; 3 aisles down, right side. When he gets there, he discovers he miscalculated. Snacks are on the left. He's trying to make it stick to his memory, the level of concentration he's putting into it making him unaware of everything else. Then he remembers that Ji Ae's still there.

"Oh, just point at whatever you want and I'll get it for you." He waits for her to choose, but she's pushing back time by looking at him whenever she thinks he's not looking. He doesn't point out that there are mirrors placed around the store to monitor whatever the customers are doing.

The blanket shifts and Woohyun rolls over into Myungsoo's side. He can barely feel the other body pressing into him.

"I'm so hungry and I don't feel like cooking," Woohyun whines. Myungsoo can sense Woohyun's hunger; he's being woken up for it.

"Wait right here," Myungsoo murmurs. He slides out of the blankets until his body's exposed to cold air, making him have to cradle both arms. But he bends down to the height of Ji Ae's unconscious figure and gets attached to some warmth she's radiating as he pulls out the bag of snacks from under her pillow. He can hear her head thumping on the ground. He's too sleepy to care.

"You think she'll be angry if I eat some? And there's still a lot in here." Despite his doubts, Woohyun shoves a hand into the bag.

"She won't be angry," Myungsoo says. "It's not like she was going to eat them in the first place."

"How would you know?" Woohyun asks, popping a chip into his mouth. Myungsoo stares intently at him before giving up and closing his eyes.

"What does it matter if you're already going ahead and eating them?" Myungsoo whispers. He turns to the other side so he won't be kept up all night by watching Woohyun eat. He bumps into Sunggyu's arm and latches onto it. The flesh on Sunggyu's arms leaks out a lot of heat.


"Tablo's awesome," Dongwoo says in the practice room. Myungsoo snorts, and it doesn't take a genius to get Dongwoo's attention.

"What?" Dongwoo asks.

Myungsoo shrugs his shoulders. Beads of sweat dribble down his forearms. "Nothing."

Then he looks up. Dongwoo's not looking at him anymore.

"I don't think he's that awesome," Myungsoo says, and Dongwoo's reflection in the mirror stops dancing.

"What-he washed our dishes, how cool is that? What do you have against him?"

"It's what he said to me that one time. About how I don't have to do anything but get by on my-wait, nevermind. Forget what I just said," Myungsoo says.

"Why? You already started-"

"Just forget it. I like Tablo. You happy now?"


"Why don't you talk?" Ji Ae asks him. He almost doesn't hear her because he's looking straight ahead, to the side, behind their backs, looking everywhere because the streets are unsafe at night.

"Hey, why don't you talk very often?" Ji Ae asks him again. He thinks over what he should say.

"Because it's hard for me to talk to someone I don't know at first."

Because I'm doing you a favor. Now you won't have to try so hard to look at my face and to pretend you're listening to me.

author: c, !fanfic, rating: g, member: myungsoo

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