I am so in awe of you...I wish had the time, money, and location for experimenting as you have. Sigh...we do need to get together when I come West if at all possible...
Is that the same chocolate-cxovered cherry you made for me when we lived in the Gardens?
One thing I'm noticing...I've begun mentally filing away interesting flavors that I run across--ice creams, gums, etc--that might make nice home-made liqueurs. Citrus mint seems particularly interesting to me right now. I also want to make a general citrus blend--oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruits together. Maybe I've lived a sheltered life, but I never saw one in Disco Bev. Usually they were orange flavored, specifically. I'm also curious to try the recipe for a vanilla liqueur that's in the book I bought. It would be interesting to try an orange-vanilla blend, similar to the vanilla ice cream & orange sherbert combo that occasionally pops up in grocery stores...if you ever want any recipes to make your own stuff, let me know and I can send you some. There are also some very nice recipe websites.
Comments 4
Is that the same chocolate-cxovered cherry you made for me when we lived in the Gardens?
Your time for experimenting will come, and it would be awesome to see you again if you get out here.
I'm quite keen to try a whack and unwrap.
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