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Comments 12

fabunobo May 10 2006, 20:16:00 UTC
Your new icon is making me horny.


darth_qonfused May 10 2006, 20:18:20 UTC
Glad I could help


unsi_sempai May 10 2006, 20:27:38 UTC
Jesus, I've had severe Emperor Has No Clothes syndrome about this guy since mid-2000. How could anyone not see Bush as a total joke? People get all worked up over a sleazy but legal and consentual act by Clinton, and then let all the crap Bush does just slide. Where is the fucking outrage?



felix_scarecrow May 11 2006, 14:26:55 UTC
In my opinion, there is a large population in the United States that "see things as they wish". They don't ask for reasons or justification or proof. The mere statement of a position is all they need to believe its right. There is a severe lack of critical thinking and a reliance on sound bytes with no follow up or thought. Eh. Anyway, I agree,...."greaggghghdfgh". ;)


kinnerc May 10 2006, 20:48:03 UTC
The thing that I'm hopeful about is that we're finally starting to see more and more public indications - this is in the Boston Globe - that Bush is the worst president in modern times, and the most dangerous person on the planet currently.

Now that the media is finally starting to report these things, hopefully we'll have a good chance to depose the Republicans during the midterms. That should limit Bush's power in his last two years. Then, finally, we may be able to get the Monster off the Throne.


kinnerc May 10 2006, 20:55:50 UTC
As bad, this just in from the Esperanta Ĵurnalo:

La usona prezidento Georgo Buŝ [George Bush] asertis je ĉi tiu merkredo, ke lia plej juna frato, Ĵeb Buŝ [Jeb Bush], estus "tre bona prezidento". Georgo Buŝ tamen diris, ke li ne scias kiuj estas la estontaj politikaj celoj de lia frato, la nuna guberniestro de la ŝtato Florido.

(The American President George Bush) said this Wednesday that his youngest brother, Jeb Bush, would be a "very good president." George Bush meanwhile said that he doesn't know the future political aims of his brother, the current gov. of the state of Florida.)


low_e May 10 2006, 21:55:01 UTC
at this point I really do believe that Bush just never made it to a civics class. He really sees himself as lord and master over these states. So, it looks like we're all surfs now. Anyone for a violent overthrow of our King?


ruffian_wind May 11 2006, 03:14:51 UTC
But wouldn't an overthrow of the King be a violation of the Government Knows Best Act?



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