Title: Floo Powder and Teardrops Rating: G 100quills Prompt Set/Prompt: 100.3, Remus / 095. Message Summary: Dumbledore has just told Remus what happened in Godric’s Hollow Warnings/Notes: None really, just angsty
Should be a bit farther down on the same page, but here's a quick link :)
The trend seems to be not much elaboration on the whys of voting, so don't feel bad if you just get one liners. It's a great community, very friendly!
Another good one for people starting out is hh_sorting (hh_home), they do weekly contests and are a pretty fun group of folks (a fair few are members at harmonysorting as well!). On the whole I was very impressed with both communities!
Comments 11
Thanks for the compliment :D
This is so heartwrenching. *is sad* I don't think that my inappropriate petting is going to cheer up Remus this time around! *settles for hugging him*
Really wonderful work (as always).
*hugs and twirls you*
*twirls back*
I counter your scary!Voldie icon with one I just made of the trio. DIE DIE DIE with love, Voldiepoo!
The trend seems to be not much elaboration on the whys of voting, so don't feel bad if you just get one liners. It's a great community, very friendly!
Another good one for people starting out is hh_sorting (hh_home), they do weekly contests and are a pretty fun group of folks (a fair few are members at harmonysorting as well!). On the whole I was very impressed with both communities!
*goes back to reading TSIK*
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