Steph is back home and is not going to Iraq.. security clearance hasn't gone though.. so she is missing this rotation.. she might have to go next year or sometime after that.. will have to see..
Well Just got back from taking Steph to Humbolt.. She is heading out for the weekend to be processed.. I get to see her again on the 4Th, 5th, and 6th.. after that it won't be till the following Sept.. Well i am going to go pass back out for a bit.. got up at 4 this morning not to mention all the emothional stress.. need rest..
Hey memphis folks.. Steph has a LJ now.. the ID is prizmcrystal . trying to get her to do an update. ;) so add her and show her soem love when she posts something.
Anyone know a good lawyer.. that will help me out for not much money?? I am going to have to set up Joint Custody. some how.. and since she is moving next week I will ahve to go between two states.. Fun.