Especially when it means that the Electric Meter on the side of my house runs backwards.
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Yes, SDG&E finally allowed me to throw the switch yesterday (on Earth Day... how appropriate) and with today being the first sunny day, this video is what I saw when I got home from work
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Comments 7
The problem is that the device isn't communicating wirelessly with the inverter for some reason. I'm still troubleshooting that one with their Customer Service department.
Someone probably entered a MAC address or device serial number wrong somewhere, since the SolarGuard device's lights are blinking in the right order to indicate it's communicating with an inverter...
I needed to make it home while the inverter was still powered up (it goes to sleep when there's no sunlight) so I could have customer Service step me through changing some settings to get it to communicate properly. That's why yesterday's stats only show power (slightly) being generated after 5pm.
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