Title: Hunting Tigers
Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)
Rating: I don't think I'll ever be anything other then NC-17.
Pairing:Faith/Tara, Abby/Ziva, Buffy/Angel
Setting: The Lock, if you don't know you need to start back at "Life on the Farm" otherwise you may wonder how all these familiar characters got into such unfamiliar situations.
Summary: An old enemy returns.
Spoilers: Buffy, Angel, NCIS, The Executioner all are fair game in this AU. As is Supernatural.
Disclaimers: This is a nonprofit work of fanfiction and is in no way a challenge to anyone's copyrights,intellectual properties, or similar.
Wyld's Notes: Seven stories in and eight is plotted out...
Chapter 13.
An alarm sounded in the control room, the Temple of the Oracle, and in response Oracle's normally fast typing jumped several notches higher in speed.
"We've got unauthorized explosives on site!"
Gibbs didn't quite understand how the spell worked, but somehow it was able to distinguish between the countless explosives the Lock had on hand and those brought in by unknown parties.
The way it had been explained to him was that the large amount of explosives actually helped because it let the spell know what to look out for, while simply having to distinguish if it had been "marked" by the Lock's magickal staff.
Shannon would have explained it as like effects like, Gibbs was just glad he was one of the armed investigators rather then a war wizard.
He just focused on Oracle and waited for her to say more. He was treated to a view of her showing that she is the head of cybernetic AND occult resources as she laid her hand flat on a clear panel on her terminal.
The panel started to glow, but it was even money if the glow was coming from the panel or her hand.
Suddenly on screen there was an image that was sickeningly familiar to the veteran agent. A lone male, approximately twenty to thirty, of middle eastern distraction in clothes that were both inappropriate for the California climate as well as appearing bulkier then the man's build would indicate.
He never put much stock in racial profiling. It was lazy police work that seemed only fit to catch bottom feeders and harass innocent citizens used more to boots arrest numbers then fight real crime.
He also knew however that there was profound difference between some Highway Patrolman pulling someone over for driving while black and when one is actually being hunted by a Islamic fundamentalist group when you at least know for sure the leader is of Middle Eastern extraction at a point when your sensors are indicating what looks like an imminent attack.
Pointing at the screen Gibbs felt the need to make sure they noticed another point. "You can't see his hands. He may have a dead man's trigger."
Riley nodded as he put on a head set. "Stop him. If he takes even one more step towards the armory drop him."
They watched on screen as the man was confronted from a safe distance and his response was to lift a leg to run. He never got to put it back down before several shots to the head turned everything about his ears to mush and mist.
The rest of him had a similar fate as Gibbs keen eye proved accurate and his body went up in a pyrotechnic cloud.
Gibbs looked to Oracle. "Couldn't you have done a spell to make explosives not work period?"
Oracle shook her head as she kept typing. "Nope, if it were that strong it would have effected internal combustion of vehicles passing by, and even once the electric car becomes a reality even guns are tiny explosions. We can set the detectors to certain sizes of explosives, but stop means STOP for spellwork."
Their conversation was cut short as Gibbs question was proven prophetic as rockets slammed into the armory.
The former snipers eyes were again put to use as even past the thunder impacting the building above he caught a familiar figure tossing aside a disposable rocket tube.
"IT'S ARI!" Gibbs had followed Faith's order for rifles to be kept at hand if not on person and had an M-16 up and to his shoulder as he prepared to charge out of the control room.
Haswari seemed to have the same idea as his hands were filled with an AK-74 as he lead a large pack of other Middle Eastern men in the twenties to thirties in a charges towards the building.
Only one thing could have managed to cut through the red Gibbs was seeing, and as Tara raised her voice she did just that. "Tony! Tim! Get to the Baby Slayers! Get them secured!"
DiNozzo obviously wanted to follow his Boss after Ari. "I don't think they need our protection Tara."
Her blonde locks shook with the force of her negative head shake. "They nee to be secured and kept calm. At this point in their training they don't have enough control over their reflexes. They are as much a danger to themselves and us as they would be to the hostiles! NOW MOVE!"
She had been picking up a great deal of her Uncles command style, and they two men jumped as Witch Woman seemed to deploy what could only be called a "Gunny Bark" if it had come out of the former gunnery sergeant.
They hurried to carry out her command as she found herself pinned in the gaze of said former gunnery sergeant who tuned to Galen. "Get her to the secured control room!"
The Celtic war wizard didn't need to be told twice. "YES SIR!"
Instead he turned and pointed to one black suit, and then another. "You two with us!"
Galen was in front of Tara, and the blacksuits were bookending them. It was obvious she didn't want to leave in the current emergency, but she knew that in her current state she was more liability then assent, and that she could do everything that that she could do now from the secure control room as easily as she could from there.
So she nodded as Riley was shouting into his head set. "Invaders on site! No signs of knowing where the elevators are, but signs they know to start looking for them. Blacksuits coordinate and pin them down! Slayers support! Try to flank if you can! I want guns on every way down to greet them if they make the first level!"
Turning to Willow Tara's expression asked the question for her, and Willow shook her head, actually managing a smile. "I'm already engaging the automated defenses here. I step away, and they switch to auto. Go! I'll be fine."
Seeing Tara was being taken care of it was obvious that on one hand Gibbs wanted to go with her and make sure she was secure, but on the other wanted to personally engage his old enemy.
Perhaps thinking that the best defense was a good offense, or even simply trusting Galen's devotion to Tara Gibbs hurried towards the sounds of conflict.
Tara's eyes swept the control room one last time before she nodded to Galen. Both he and one of the blacksuits seemed ready to move behind and push her chair, but she shook her head.
Taking her pistol and putting it in her lap she put her hands on the rails of the wheels and started out. She had chosen the manual chair because it helped her keep some physical fitness as she healed and worked to rebuild her body to it's previous state, but she had to admit right now a motorized chair probably would have helped.
There was another thunderous roar, but it was obviously closer, and from the direction it seemed to come from Tara assumed that the attackers had found one of the emergency stairways that allowed access between the armory and the first sub-level.
A group of a half-dozen black suits ran past them, combat boots thudding on the hard flooring, rifles up and ready to fire, and Tara sighed, a tear almost coming to her eye.
They knew this day would come. You declare war on the evils of the world, supernatural or otherwise, and they will declare war on you.
Sure it could be argued the predatory types started it, but in fighting back the Lock had made itself a target, and they had now become big enough of one to come under attack.
Another explosion shook the building from almost the opposite direction and Tara knew the defense of the first sub-level would be that much harder from two directions.
The war had come to their door, and now it was time to fight back.
As she started wheeling down a hallway behind Galen and the blacksuit she took a calming, centering breath, reaffirming her dedication to fight that war with all she had.
Then all too suddenly the war found her personally as the blacksuit on point tried to raise his weapon and shoot, but only managed to catch the burst of auto-fire in his chest rather then his face before falling to the ground.
The misting of blood was horrific already, but the terror became personal as from the same direction a voice shouted "There she is!"
It said that Haswari must have recruited some American fanatics for the men he sent after her.