FF Hunting Tigers Chapter 2

Sep 02, 2011 08:12

Title: Hunting Tigers

Author: Dark Wyldchilde (wyldchilde37@yahoo.com)

Rating: I don't think I'll ever be anything other then NC-17.

Pairing:Faith/Tara, Abby/Ziva, Buffy/Angel

Setting: The Lock, if you don't know you need to start back at "Life on the Farm" otherwise you may wonder how all these familiar characters got into such unfamiliar situations.

Summary: An old enemy returns.

Spoilers: Buffy, Angel, NCIS, The Executioner all are fair game in this AU. As is Supernatural.

Disclaimers: This is a nonprofit work of fanfiction and is in no way a challenge to anyone's copyrights,intellectual properties, or similar.

Wyld's Notes: Seven stories in and eight is plotted out...

Chapter 2.
Once the vehicles had come to a complete stop a young black man with shaven head wearing a clean white suit stepped out.

Angel was the first to recognize him. "Gunn" was all the former vampire said as he stepped forward and the men shook hands. Gunn however was having none of that and pulled the other man into a hug. Which to most everyone's surprise Angel accepted.

Other brief greetings were shared between Gunn, Scooby Squad and Lex.

Gunn then turned and Tara gave his first name as she smiled and said "Charles".

Charles leaned in and kissed her cheek. "Hey Tara." He then gave Faith a hug before turning to the rest of the assembly and speaking up. "Okay, those who know who I am go ahead and pile into the second limo, while those who don't can get into the first one with Tara, Faith, and myself so they can hear the tale and ask any questions they might have."

They all did so, but as they slipped into the limo Ziva had an entirely different question. "The drivers?"

Gunn smiled. "Blacksuits, know who we are and what we are up against. They know what to do in an emergency, and how to keep their mouths shut afterwards."

Ziva was obviously satisfied with the answer and nodded as she sat back with Abby on her right and Tony on her left.

There was a brief pause as Faith picked up Tara to help her into the car while Gunn folded the wheelchair and put it in the trunk, but soon everyone was in and comfortable.

As he did so he explained. "I was actually tempted to get something more chair accessible, but with two carloads of people paid to be muscular, and all loving you like we do I figured it wasn't really necessary."

Tara gave him a mostly good natured scowl as she was held in Faith's arms. "Fine, fine, but can we get me seated please?"

Faith slipped Tara gently into the limo and stole a kiss as she did so.

Tony opted to comment at that point. "Do we all get a kiss if we help Tara into or out of the car, because if so I volunteer."

What he got was one of the invisible head slaps Tara had come up with as everyone got into the car, but he bore it was a smile.

After everyone was seated comfortably and the cars had started out Gunn continued. "Okay, is everyone here fairly familiar with Angel's story? At least the parts that happened in this century with Buffy?"

Tony nodded. "Twilight without the sparkles."

That got a chorus of muted laughs from everyone, including Gunn. "Exactly, but at one point Angel decided he couldn't be around Buffy so he came to LA and ended up starting a 'detective agency', which of course always ended up fighting assorted monsters. At this point in the story I was living the LA cliche, looking up at all the lights from street level. What most didn't realize was that at street level you were considered easy pickings by the monsters hunting those bright lit nights."

It was obvious they hadn't thought of that as Gunn kept speaking. "I had organized my people to fight back when I first crossed paths with Angel. Some enemies in common grew to fighting side by side and I ended up part of his crew, including when we took over Wolfram and Heart LA."

Everyone's expressions looked more knowing at that point. "I was there at the fall too. Could say I survived, but honestly I think I died, but was having trouble coming to terms with it."

That got almost matching scowls from Faith and Tara, to which Gunn gave a sardonic grin. "Anyway, when Faith rode the in with the Calvary I was probably forty percent gone, and fading fast. Normal medicine could make me comfortable, or put me out of my misery, and magick didn't have enough left of me to work with, but the Lock had another option."

Gunn took a deep breath. "It's now called Adam Tech. Back when B and her crew were in their first year of college, our predecessors, the Initiative created this cyber-demonoid called Adam. Part man, part machine, part demon the tech eventually made it's way to the Lock after passing through another set of hands or two where they were able to use it to save me."

He kept his smile, but it was obviously forced. "Problem was that psycho bitch who put him together knew something we didn't. The shock the human body undergoes when getting the implants is insane. While I was in the forties when they got me to the Lock another twenty percent of my body died on the table as they were trying to save me. On top of that my ability to heal is just about zero."

Everyone, but Faith, Tara and Gunn looked shocked and Gunn just nodded. "The demon bits Walsh put in were there to allow Adam to heal his body as much as they were to make him even more buff. So while I can go terminator if I really need too the experimental tech keeping me going could have a broken finger needing a six digit repair bill while any damage to my remaining organics would mean the organic bit would probably need to be replaced with even more tech."

Tara then interrupted. "So I put Gunn to work in other areas. He is my representative, OUR man in the field for all the things that can't simply be shot at."

Faith continued Tara's thought seamlessly. "Like he bought and supplied the safe house you guys used when Tara and I were laid up."

Gunn was only half a step behind. "And while I would have given damn near anything to have rode with you guys when you nailed the bastards who hurt our two girls here I was able to help behind the scenes here, and I can help you guys blow off some steam now."

A flash of guilt crossed Gunn's face and both Faith and Tara shared a look before Tara addressed it. "Yes Charles you were the one who told us the best spot to look for the source of the Witches Powder, but you also where the one who stabilized us as the chopper arrived."

Abby interrupted then. "He wasn't in Willow's reports."

Faith was the one to answer. "And he won't be. At least not in the one's commonly circulated. One of Gunn's greater strengths is that he is just a lawyer in LA. All official records just have him acting on behalf of his 'clients', a list he is full on expected to keep secret, even now were just friends he's showing a good time. We don't want him too connected to our official channels. Those are already nice and strong. Gunn is more our ace kept mostly up the sleeve."

Gunn's smile had become more genuine. "But I have LA wired, and can get you guys all you need for your well earned resting and relaxing. So we decided to add me to this hand."

Tony then spoke up. "Okay, that sounds a little sinister."

Tim however interrupted him. "Says the guy who did basically the exact same thing for Director Sheppard."

DiNozzo however came right back. "And look how that worked out."

Tara's gaze seemed somewhere off in the distance and Faith slipped a hand between the witches two as the blond spoke.

"Tony, you have to understand that one of those sets of hands that Charles implants passed through before making their way to us was using them to experiment on wounded troops coming back from overseas, and from what we recovered they weren't operating on their own. By the same token I can still describe to you the gleam that came into former President Bush's eyes when I updated him on the awakening of the slayer line."

As Tony's eyebrows arched in question Tara nodded. "I managed to talk him out of it, but he WAS dreaming of putting our girls out there to do what he would call winning the War on Terror, but would be just as likely assuring Halliburton a record quarterly report. I wish I could think of things as just one happy family, but the family I was born to looks functional by comparison."

Gunn held up his hands. "Woooooah... Okay. WAY to serious of a discussion for a night like tonight. Alright?"

That had Tara blushing. "Yes, sorry."

Abby, as was perhaps her nature, decided to try to bring the atmosphere back to a lighter level. "So where is it you're taking us Gunn?"

His one word reply was delivered with a smile. "Apostate."

Tony frowned. "That too sounds kind of sinister."

Tara was frowning right along with him. "It should. It means one who has renounced their religion."

Faith was grinning lasciviously. "Hey, it's all part of the fun. It's that thrill of doing something you want to do, but everyone else thinks you shouldn't. You know? That pounding of the heart, that tightening of the belly. That bone deep knowledge that you're not supposed to be doing it, and that's what going to make it so much fun. They obviously wanted a name that said that, and 'taboo' was pretty much done to death in like the seventies and eighties."

Much to most everyone's surprise Tim spoke next. "You mean like the 'Naked Lady Parties' on the roof of the Lock?"

Tara and Abby both blushed, while Faith and Ziva both smirked as Faith replied. "Exactly!"

While Tony had a small scowl of dissatisfaction Gunn now looked VERY interested.

"Wait. What?"

That got a round of laughter from the rest of the car as they continued on into the night.

zabby, femslash, btvs, the lock, ncis

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