Friend of my Friend Chapter 33.

Apr 17, 2010 04:47

Title: Friend of my Friend

Author: Dark Wyldchilde (

Rating:NC-17, this is me, there will be sex, and there will be violence.

Pairing: Faith/Tara, Ziva/Abby

Setting: This is the fourth story in my Lock series.

Summary: Marines are missing, and turning up as vampires. The Lock is seeking out the source, and will do so with some new allies.

Spoilers: This story can and will combine any elements I care to from all of the runs of Buffy and Angel as well as the Stony Man Farm/Executioner books. Now it also includes NCIS to present, but it will also contradict them as necessary, because much to my own delight it's taken on a life of it's own.

I have also decided to tinker with the Buffy/Angel time lines since in the case of Buffy the show has been done almost 7 years now.

Disclaimers: This is an independent, non-profit work of fanfiction. I know there are at least three sets (or more) of copyrights involved, and this story is not a challenge to any of them.

Wyld's Notes: You probably shouldn't be reading this story unless you've read my earlier fics "Life on the Farm" "Declaration of War" and "The Front" because without them this story might get confusing.

On a NCIS note I need to add I am keeping the Ziva/Gibbs cannon that she killed Ari to save Gibbs, and not the more recent nonsense that it was to get Gibbs to trust her.

More importantly I must send out my personal thanks to Lisa Countryman. She has been a wonderful sounding board, and has been essential in making this fic possible, including spoon feeding me the incredibly funny chapter 5, writing three whole chapters herself, and healthy sections of other chapters as well.

I also need to add a special thanks and welcome to my new beta reader laura jones.

Chapter 33.
As she chambered a fresh round Ziva popped her head out of the office and squeezed off a short burst towards the end of the hallway where the guards that had them pinned down had set up their firing positions.

While there seemed to be plenty of internal communications they were monitoring the police band, and unsurprisingly the vampires hadn't called the authorities for help. From Ziva's understanding the Lock had the clout to get them sprung if something like that happened, but the rule was to get away before the police ever got involved.

It was a good rule, Ziva had held a similar rule hailing back to her Metsada days because not only did her conscience not like the idea of shooting at cops, but a murdered police officer tended to be remembered, and their killer was never forgot.

However the undead mercenaries seemed to be doing all right on their own when they finally realized they were being attacked. They kept their heads, figured out where the attackers were, and had managed to pin Faith and Ziva down as they cleared another office.

Clearing rooms was always one of the more dangerous of tasks, but it was vital when the enemy knew the location, and you did not.

The upside was that they hadn't seemed to have found any of their demolition charges yet. The explosives were rigged with anti-tampering mechanisms, but rather then the simpler kind that detonated the charge early these had two squeals they would emit on the teams radios.

The first was if there was any sign of tampering, while the second was a definite sign of tampering, and it would be up to the team to decide whether or not to detonate.

It was an inventive system, and it had Ziva appreciating her new allies all the more.

Faith had reloaded her own weapon, but her face was twisted in concentration.

"Spy Queen, can you make them think both of us are still here?"

Ziva felt her face flush at the handle Abigail had suggested, but the larger part of her mind weighed the question and nodded as she took her pistol into her left hand while fisting the H&K in the right.

She didn't know what Faith was planning, but she nodded. She then watched a second as she saw Faith sling her weapon on it's under arm sling and cross her arms over her face.

With a start she realized what Faith had already calmly came to. The office walls where plain sheet rock with some 2" by 4" supports. While Ziva herself might have been able to bust through just the sheet rock her own body winced in sympathy at the 2" by 4"'s, wiring, and even possible piping that would connect with Faith's body even as she used her slayer strength to power past them.

As Faith started running for the wall Ziva slid both her guns out and started firing short, blind rounds. Of course hitting someone would be nice, but her goal was to keep the enemies eyes on her.

The first wall fell and even over the shooting Ziva could place the sound. Faith had four offices she would have to break through to get to a workable firing position. So at the second Ziva put down her pistol and replaced it with a flash bang grenade that she then pulled the pin on while holding the spoon.

After hearing the third, she tossed it. They saw it coming and were able to dive for cover, but the artificial lightening and man made thunder made sure they didn't realize Faith was coming up on their blind side.

Their screams were what clued Ziva in, and she slid most of her body into the hall so she could shoot at them clearly. Her obvious first priority was anyone in any position or condition to shoot at her, but one they had fallen she simply shot anyone who looked still capable of movement.

By the time she joined her partner Slayer was staking the fallen. A nod was all that was needed as the pair moved out to continue their mission.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Tim wasn't pulling his eyes away from the screen as he found himself ready to start talking to the machine like he had seen Willow do.

Lex's voice came to him over the roar of automatic weapons fire. "Fine! Keep making time with the mainframe. We need her good stuff before we bug out!"

"Is everything a metaphor for sex with you?"

Even over the gunfire Lex's laugh could be heard. "Ironically enough I often use metaphors for sex, and then use sex metaphors for everything else!"

While her voice was happy Tim was glad he didn't have to look at her. When security had figured out they had intruders in the computer room the pair seemed to become their main concern, and while Lex had been holding them back the magicks she was calling on were starting to scare Tim.

He could handle the black and purple flames and lightening, but she had been growing paler, and paler, the veins under her skin not only becoming more visible, but where they could be seen they were black.

The worst thing however was her eyes, ALL of them were black. Obsidian eyes, more fit for a snake then anything human, and yet she was going all out to keep him alive.

At one point they had made a charge into the room and Lex and cast a spell on herself giving her strength and speed that had her fighting on a slayer's level from his view as she took the four that had burst into the room in hand to hand.

It got grislier however as she didn't just take them out. She immobilized them, and then knelt over each, chanting in some strange language that made McGee's skin crawl.

One by one she then picked them up and hurled them back out towards their allies, only to have them detonate like involuntary suicide bombers.

Of course after seeing the aftermath of suicide bombings, including an involuntary one, Tim REALLY didn't relish going back into the hall.

Again, he couldn't truly fault Lex however, the men she had "prepared" had gotten into the center of their allies before exploding, and the detonations had bought them an early reprieve.

Thinking quickly Tim set the laptop to manage itself a minute and slid his chair over to another computer. Lex looked at him in aggravation, but seemed ready to trust he knew what he was doing.

"Quick! Can you bless that water in the fire suppression system?"

Lex shook her head. "No... but I can turn it into acid!"

"That would get the others!"

She grabbed her radio as she quickly used her telekinesis to crush the fire sprinklers in the room. "Slayer do you read me? Spy Queen come in!"

Slayer was the one to respond. "Slayer here. Done?"

Lex stepped back and erected a wall of what looked like bone in front of the door. "No, can you disable the fire sprinklers in the room you are in? We're going to turn them on, but they will emit 5 seconds of acid."

"Will that damage the charges?" Slayer's voice was calm and clear even as it was obvious she was in a firefight on her end as well.

"No, it's not normal acid."

"Do it Spy Queen. On my mark... MARK!"

Lex stood up on a chair and grabbed the sprinkler she had just pinched off. She nodded at Tim and heard the liquid in the pipes. She then concentrated on it, and turned it into a flesh corroding acid.

The hall was filled with screams, and Tim could even see the bone wall in front of the shattered remnants of the door was feeling the effects. When he shut the sprinklers off however Lex motioned him back to his computer.

She dropped the wall with a wave of her hand and slipped out, was gone a second, and then came back in, and even with her unnaturally pale skin, black veins and unholy black eyes she looked disturbed.

Their radios however came to life with Slayer's voice. "Good work. We'll finish here and rendezvous."

A pair of wet sounding footsteps came towards the room, and Lex peeked out. When she didn't start attacking Tim knew it was Ziva and Faith.

Ziva had a skeptical look on her face as she looked down at her feet. "Are you sure this will not eat through our boots?"

Lex nodded. "While they are dead the vampires are still "organic" and that's what the acid goes after. I wouldn't go rubbing it on any leather goods, but the soles of your shoes are rubber, and that's synthetic enough not to be effected."

Ziva nodded, but as soon as she did so she lifted her left foot and looked at the sole of her boot.

Then Ziva walked up and took Lex by the shoulders, standing her upright, then loosening her grip when Lex winced.

Faith saw the metal of the trauma plate and frowned. "Shit! Shotgun?"

Lex nodded.

Faith moved closer, kneeling down to inspect the damage to the vest. "Can you breathe normally?"

Lex nodded. "It hurts, but not enough to mess up my breathing."

There was a steely rasp as Ziva drew her cold steel tanto. Modeled after the Japanese knife of the same name it combined the benefits of the chisel point and solid steel spine with modern blade making science.

She then motioned with the blade. "Arms up."

Lex rolled her eyes, but when she saw Faith's expression obviously agreeing she held up her arms. "Ziva honey, this is neither the time, nor the place, not even with Faith kneeling in front of me." That got a roll of Slayer's brown eyes. "Not to mention you've got Abby now."

Ziva ignored Lex's banter quickly cut away first the vest's securing straps, and then the woman's shirt, leaving her in a bra as black as the rest of her outfit, and revealing the deep black and purple of the circular wound on her abdomen.

Still kneeling in front of Lex Faith gently explored the wound with her fingers, watching Lex's responses. "I don't think you broke anything, but when you get back you are getting a full set of x-rays."

Lex sighed. "Fine, as long as it's Sam. It wouldn't anywhere near as much fun if Ducky's the one ordering me to strip naked."

She seemed ready to say more, but Tim nodded and unplugged his lap top from the mainframe. "I'm done."

Faith then replied. "And were out."

She led the way, with Ziva taking their up the rear of the procession as they left the computer room, and walked straight into a vision Tim figured would sicken even Dante himself. Humanoid forms were strewn all around in twisted positions of agony as their flesh was carved, burned, into abstract patterns Tim realized showed where the sprinklers had been showering acid down upon them.

Sprinklers he had turned on. The thought brought the bile to the back of his throat. It was nearly vomited forth as he realized that the reason the burned forms were still littering the halls was that the vampires were still "alive" to a certain degree.

Faith noticed his look, and seemed to realize what he was thinking. "Don't worry, they'll be destroyed when we blow the building, and they aren't worth you guys getting burned by any residual acid."

Tim couldn't argue, but he did hurry to get out of the building, and away from it's horrible sights.

Once all four were outside all four piled into their vehicle and pulled away. After they were a block distant Faith pulled out a radio detonator, and the four of them watched as the building first exploded out ward in waves of fire, and then collapsed inward under it's own weight

McGee's voice then spoke. "For the record I'm not the one who's going to explain why Lex came back in only a bra."

femslash, btvs, the lock, ncis

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