Friend of my Friend Chapter 14.

Mar 29, 2010 04:46

Title: Friend of my Friend

Author: Dark Wyldchilde (

Rating:NC-17, this is me, there will be sex, and there will be violence.

Pairing: Faith/Tara, Ziva/Abby

Setting: This is the fourth story in my Lock series.

Summary: Marines are missing, and turning up as vampires. The Lock is seeking out the source, and will do so with some new allies.

Spoilers: This story can and will combine any elements I care to from all of the runs of Buffy and Angel as well as the Stony Man Farm/Executioner books. Now it also includes NCIS to present, but it will also contradict them as necessary, because much to my own delight it's taken on a life of it's own.

I have also decided to tinker with the Buffy/Angel time lines since in the case of Buffy the show has been done almost 7 years now.

Disclaimers: This is an independent, non-profit work of fanfiction. I know there are at least three sets (or more) of copyrights involved, and this story is not a challenge to any of them.

Wyld's Notes: You probably shouldn't be reading this story unless you've read my earlier fics "Life on the Farm" "Declaration of War" and "The Front" because without them this story might get confusing.

On a NCIS note I need to add I am keeping the Ziva/Gibbs cannon that she killed Ari to save Gibbs, and not the more recent nonsense that it was to get Gibbs to trust her.

More importantly I must send out my personal thanks to Lisa Countryman. She has been a wonderful sounding board, and has been essential in making this fic possible, including spoon feeding me the incredibly funny chapter 5, writing three whole chapters herself, and healthy sections of other chapters as well.

I also need to add a special thanks and welcome to my new beta reader laura jones.

Chapter 14.
While Lex knew that David had about as much field experience against the supernatural as she did, the woman knew how to take out a sentry. While the implement in her hand as she reached around from behind and drove it between their ribs and into their heart was sharpened wood rather then sharpened steel the motion was the same.

The effect on the grand scale was the same as the enemy solider was silently dispatched, but on the smaller scale Ziva wasn't left with a conspicuous body to dispose of. Instead she just had to turn her head to make sure she didn't inhale any vampire dust.

She scurried back to where Lex has hiding and took her rifle back as it was offered to her. Her expression was unsure as she looked into Lex's blue eyes. "Are you certain?"

Lex smiled, nodding. The three of them had broken into two teams to come at the only active barracks building from both sides. Slayer had set off on her own, and left David to get Lex into position.

That position was where Ziva would launch her attack on the building where they were certain the surviving Marines were being held.

Alexandra Detton on the other hand would be launching her attack from INSIDE the building. Neither of her partners liked it, but all three knew that the only reason the Marines would be kept alive at this point was to turn them into undead, and Lex was willing to risk using her teleport spell to get herself inside the building to keep them off the Marines long enough for Faith and Ziva to fight their way in and finish the opposition off.

Ziva looked even more worried as Lex slung her rifle over her shoulder, and didn't draw her pistol for the close quarters she would find indoors. Lex smiled. "I haven't been studying assault rifles my entire life." Ziva had to look closer, squinting in the darkness, but then she saw a sort of black and purple smoke and lightning dancing between Lex's fingers and running up and down her arms.

Before Ziva could voice any opinion on the matter she teleported, but to Ziva's eyes it looked like she blew away like dust on the wind. She knew that since radio signals were being blocked it was up to her to signal the attack by opening fire on her entry point.

Part of her would have preferred a more stealthy approach, but that would have given the enemy more time to kill their captives. This way their attention would be pulled to both ends while Lex was hopefully able to use that distraction to stay alive while her friends fought their way in.

A smile crossed Ziva's face as the thee round burst she put into the first sentries throat managed to decapitate him, as his body turned to dust. The second sentry had his rifle up and tracking, but it didn't save him as she put a second three round burst into his head, leaving a bloody sort of crescent as his brain pan was torn away by the mental manglers.

The two final sentries had dropped prone, much for the same reason Ziva had dropped to a knee, to alter her firing profile. They however were only now homing in on the flash of her rifle while Ziva knew exactly where they were, and while she wasn't able to line up head shots the rounds she put through their prone torsos were enough to keep them on the ground while she ran up and split what was left of her current magazine between the vampire's craniums.

A small part of her brain idly wondered if the blood, bone and gray matter she was getting on her boots would turn to ash once they got around to staking the vampires, but the largest part of her was focused on putting that bloody boot to the door and dealing with whatever lay beyond it.

As Lex materialized she wanted to laugh. While the three undead Marines pointing M-16's at nine live ones weren't terribly funny Lex realized their problem. They were out to turn the nine Marines, turning was a pretty one on one process, and an assault rifle just got in the way. So each time they would move into bite one the other eight would pull him off.

Sure the rifles kept the superior number of living Marines from attacking, but the undead Marines weren't out to simply cut the men down. So they were at a stand off. Lex provided her own solution as she blasted the one closest to her, as he was already starting to turn at her arrival.

While her magical attack wasn't accurate enough to go for a head shot the undead solider was literally cut in half, so Lex didn't think it mattered much. She was far more concerned about the two rifle wielding vampires turning towards her, but the distraction was what the surviving Marines were waiting for.

Each had a Marine grabbing onto an arm or a leg as they crashed to the floor, and while the living soldiers were getting in plenty of hits they were largely ineffective on the undead. Lex however had a stake in hand and while she had to work her way around the dog piled Marines the Marines were left staring in wonder at the two piles of dust as Lex staked the one she had cut in half.

As she did so the doors came crashing in and the rifle from the vampire she had cut in half was in one of the living Marine's hands and darting between Faith and Ziva.

Lex was shouting. "Stand down! Stand down! They're with me, and we're the good guys!"

The young man looked unsure, but brought his rifle up to a shoulder and looked expectantly between the women.

Faith walked up to Lex. "We clear?"

Lex looked over to the young Marine with the rifle. "Was it just those three?"

The young man nodded. "Them and the nine outside."

Faith threw Ziva a look and Ziva nodded. "They're down." She then focused more on Ziva. "You got em?" Ziva nodded silently and took out a stake.

Once Ziva returned Faith addressed the room. "All right. I want to retake the armory so I can get everyone armed. Then each one of us will take three Marines and sweep the base."

The young man with the rifle had seemed to have elected himself the leader. "Ma'am?"

Faith smiled at him. "I'm pretty sure you know what those things were soldier, but I'll say it out loud for you. It was a vampire, an undead thing wearing the mask of another Marine. It's what they've been doing here, and it's what they had planned for you. We hole up we might have better chance of survival, but they WILL get away, and I can tell you now that turning you into vampires was a step, not the entire plan. I'm going out there to stop it. I'm reasonably certain these women are joining me."

That was said with a bit of a smirk, which the women returned as she resumed speaking. "I'm asking you if your willing to let your duty station be over run when there's a chance to do something about it?"

The man with the rifle snapped to attention, as did the eight men behind him, and Faith smiled.

She had taken a breath to speak, but Lex interrupted her. "We don't need to retake the armory."

That got Faith's attention as Lex spoke while handing her rifle and clips off to one of the Marines. "I can teleport in there, grab rifles and ammo, and teleport back. It will take a couple trips to get enough, but that way we won't be fighting before we're ready."

Faith nodded. "Silence your pistol, and try to take out any guards inside the building quietly if you can."

Lex nodded, concentrating, feeling herself break apart, and reform where she wanted to be.

Her arrival was encouraging, both because there wasn't anyone standing guard inside the armory, but also because the fact there wasn't a guard probably meant they were starting to run low on people, and didn't have the troops to guard both inside and out.

Filing that away to report to Faith she slung a rifle over each shoulder and picked up a crate of loaded magazines, thinking a moment she tripled her load to six rifles and three crates of magazines. While her muscles groaned under the load it wasn't as bad as the physical conditioning the Lock had put her through, and she was able to carry it all while keeping the spell going as she broke apart in the armory and reformed in the barracks.

The Marines were all around her, getting rifles and taking care of the clips. Lex left them to it as she turned to Faith. "I think we're having an impact. There wasn't anyone guarding inside the armory."

Faith nodded. "Possible, or they might be bugging out, and they are content to keep us contained while they do. Either way, we need one more rifle. This next trip I want you to focus on ordinance. We're still out numbered, and blowing shit up is always a nice way around that. Any white phosphorous you can get will be good for that as it still counts as burning a vamp up, and we won't have to worry about staking them later."

Lex nodded and stood upright, she took a deep breath, held it, concentrating on doing so, then exhaled, and as the breath left her body it broke apart again. Her next breath was taken in the armory, and before she could let it out the final rifle was over her shoulder and she was grabbing the heavier weapons.

She had put a crate of grenades on the floor as she heard the doors open Ducking down she saw four undead Marines walking in, with the shadows of another three outside the door. She had hoped they were just making a routine check, but the fact two guards on the door had turned to six said plenty.

Then when they came through the door they said it all. "I told you I heard something, now fan out."

Knowing there were armored vehicles on the base Lex grabbed a couple rocket launchers from her cramped position, and was able to do so silently.

The vampires however reminded her that hearing wasn't their only enhanced sense.

"I smell someone... a woman." There was a tone of authority to the voice and Lex thought he might be a unit leader.

Another one of them spoke up. "Even better."

The leader voice spoke up. "The slayers are female you dumb bastard, and we know we have at least one loose on the base. You start thinking with your dick with one of them around you won't be around long enough for the Marshal to cut it off. You get one from the outside and send the other for another unit."

Lex knew bad was going worse, so thinking quickly she looked to the stack of boxes of grenades she had pulled the box at her feet from, and opened it with her mind standing up she hoisted all the ordnance she had gotten so far.


Lex didn't need to move much as in turning to face the command she could see the door the other vampires were coming in. Staying still she waited until all five vampires were in the building.

Again with the force of her mind alone she made objects move. First it was the door, slamming it, and locking it. While it locked on the inside Lex was counting on the fact that it would take time to unlock it.

Then she exhaled and felt herself breaking apart, but before she was more there then here she looked into the crate of grenades at the top of the stack, and pulled all the pins her mind could get hold of.

As she materialized she must have been showing the shock and fear on her face because Faith was looking concerned even before all her molecules were back in place.

"What happened?"

"They must have either heard, or even smelled my first trip, because half-way through my second they came in to investigate."

Faith nodded, as they laid out the ordnance to be distributed. "Then wh..."

Her words were cut off as a tremendous explosion ripped through the night, loud enough to shake the building they were in and Faith arched a brow.

Lex blushed. "I trapped them in the building and pulled pins on a case of grenades before I teleported back."

Faith grinned. "Be glad they don't store the stuff with nuclear components there."

Lex's eyes got wide, she obviously hadn't considered that, but before anything else could be said the barracks came under fire. They would guess at least a dozen rifles firing in sequence, but they were all trained soldiers, and the rounds cut through open air as they all hit the floor.

Faith however was grinning. "Well I think we got their attention." She crawled over to the case of grenades and took one in each hand. Three of the Marines with them realized what she was going to do and popped up to fire away at the enemy to let Faith pop up long enough to get an idea of where to throw her grenades rather then simply hurling them blind.

The twin explosions went off at once as Ziva crawled from where she was looking out the window until she was face to face with Faith. "I do not think so. I have seen unusual activity at the air strip, especially for a base with intruders."

Faith punched the floor. "FUCK! They're bugging out. That's why they're short handed, all their guys are at the air strip."

Even over the roar of the automatic fire being poured into their position they could hear the turbines of the transport starting up on the airstrip.

Faith poked her head up. "Looks like they're leaving a twelve pack here to keep us pinned while the rest run! One looks down from the grenades or return fire, but we've got eleven guns keeping us pinned."

Ziva had handed her rifle to Lex as she picked up a rocket launcher. "And we have eleven. So I'll be right back."

Faith didn't even have time to decide if she should countermand the order as Ziva already had the door partially open.

So Faith nodded both to her, and to the people looking at her anxiously.

Ziva said a short prayer as the eleven guns behind her opened fire, and she opened the the door the rest of the way. She had lightened her load to nothing, but the Stinger rocket launcher over her shoulder, her knife, her stake, and her side arm.

She had lowered herself to a crouch so that there wouldn't be as much to aim at, and while she had to stand up to begin her run she was already several buildings away before she heard rounds impacting the ground she was running on.

Hitting open terrain she felt her pants tear from a flying bullet, but miraculously her flesh felt unscathed.

Either way she ignored everything at that point but the Stinger, and the plane clawing it's way off the runway and into the air.

Lex may have chosen the Stinger by luck, but it was deliberately chosen by Ziva. While many of Israel's battles were land based the American Stinger was still one of the finest ground to air missiles available, and in her time in the IDF she had become familiar with the weapons' use.

The big brain in the launcher, and the little brain the missile might not know a lot, but they knew all the ways to distinguish a plane from the sky around it. The Stinger was even good enough to tell the difference between many countermeasures and the plane that might be deploying them, but none were shown as Ziva put the large, slow military transport plane in the launchers sights and depressed the trigger enough to make it start searching for a target.

The searching tone changed once the launcher was sure that yes, there was a plane in it's sights, and Ziva depressed the trigger the rest of the way, sending the rocket out with a whoosh, and little recoil on her end.

Either the plane didn't know that one of them had managed to escape, or didn't know that the escapee had a rocket launcher because there was no attempt to evade the smart missile as it impacted the aircraft's belly and turned the slow moving transport into a fast moving fireball.

With a satisfied nod Ziva dropped the launcher and took out her Sig. The loss of the transport had cut the sounds of the firefight back at the barracks and Ziva imagined the remaining vampires were now focused on escape.

She took her stake out in the other hand and slipped back into the shadows to find her way back to her people at the barracks so they could go after them and keep them from doing so.

femslash, btvs, the lock, ncis

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