Friend of my Friend Chapter 8

Mar 23, 2010 04:46

Title: Friend of my Friend

Author: Dark Wyldchilde (

Rating:NC-17, this is me, there will be sex, and there will be violence.

Pairing: Faith/Tara, Ziva/Abby

Setting: This is the fourth story in my Lock series.

Summary: Marines are missing, and turning up as vampires. The Lock is seeking out the source, and will do so with some new allies.

Spoilers: This story can and will combine any elements I care to from all of the runs of Buffy and Angel as well as the Stony Man Farm/Executioner books. Now it also includes NCIS to present, but it will also contradict them as necessary, because much to my own delight it's taken on a life of it's own.

I have also decided to tinker with the Buffy/Angel time lines since in the case of Buffy the show has been done almost 7 years now.

Disclaimers: This is an independent, non-profit work of fanfiction. I know there are at least three sets (or more) of copyrights involved, and this story is not a challenge to any of them.

Wyld's Notes: You probably shouldn't be reading this story unless you've read my earlier fics "Life on the Farm" "Declaration of War" and "The Front" because without them this story might get confusing.

On a NCIS note I need to add I am keeping the Ziva/Gibbs cannon that she killed Ari to save Gibbs, and not the more recent nonsense that it was to get Gibbs to trust her.

More importantly I must send out my personal thanks to Lisa Countryman. She has been a wonderful sounding board, and has been essential in making this fic possible, including spoon feeding me the incredibly funny chapter 5, writing three whole chapters herself, and healthy sections of other chapters as well.

I also need to add a special thanks and welcome to my new beta reader laura jones.

Chapter 8.
Faith found herself being thrown again, and while she could have attempted to do something to counter this throw as well from the look in Tara's eyes when they got to their quarters Faith wasn't going to mind being spun so she could be pinned against the wall.

She surely wasn't as Tara's left leg hooked over her right hip while Tara's right hand tangled in her hair. Tara's left hand wasn't cupping her breast, but squeezing it, hard. As all this happened Tara's mouth was pushing into her's enough to make her head move with the pressure while Tara's tongue invaded Faith's mouth.

The kiss continued in a whimpering mashing of mouths and clicking of teeth until Faith had to let her head fall back to get in some necessary air. Tara didn't begrudge Faith but didn't stop her sensual attack as she settled for nipping and kissing along Faith's neck.

Faith realized Tara was going to leave a mark, if not several, and while she knew her slayer healing would have any love bites taken care of before sundown it was still unusual for Tara to be so forceful.

"Tara, Baby... yeah... right there unh... I mean... Tara... are you ok?"

Tara lifted her head "Yes" and then launched a passionate assault on Faith's cleavage.

Faith's arms seemed to have a mind of their own, and they showed their full support of Tara as they cradled Tara between Faith's breasts.

It left her panting as Tara savored more and more of her flesh, first caressing it with her tongue before nipping at it with her teeth. "It's not a jealousy thing?."

Tara slid her hands under Faith's sports bra, and Faith's arms continued to think for themselves as they raised to help Tara get Faith stripped to the waist. "Nope."

The witch then put her mouth to better use taking Faith's right nipple between her lips and sucking hard.

Faith's fingers were running through Tara's hair as the woman eagerly sucked Faith's nipples, but then her hands stopped, and her whole body froze. "Wait a minute!"

Tara looked up at the words.

Their eyes met as Faith continued. "It turned you on!"

Tara shook her head. "That's ridiculous, now take your pants off."

Faith was smiling widely, still naked to the waist, but not noticing as she put her hands on her hips and looked at Tara. "It totally did. You saw Ziva and I wrestling around, grunting, groaning, all sweaty as we ground against each other and it got you hot!"

Tara was taking off her dress. "Faith, Darling. First of all, no duh. Secondly, loose the sweats."

Faith grinned, hands still on hips. "I'm the CO I don't have to take orders from you."

Tara arched a brow, now in typical white bra and panties. "Out there you're the CO. In here..." Tara launched herself at Faith, already knowing she would get caught and cradled in her beloved's arms, and to her Darling's chest. Which allowed her hands to slip inside the back of Faith's sweats and grab both toned butt cheeks through the woman's panties.

She took Faith's left earlobe between her teeth and bit it firmly, smiling at Faith's moan of approval. It had her lips at the right place as she pulled her mouth away to whisper into Faith's ear. "In here we are partners, and I can tell you to take your pants off..." Tara moved her right hand, sliding it around front in between them to cup the damp spot in the crotch of Faith's panties. "I just have to make it worth your while."

As she moved her fingers in a massaging wave, through the saturated fabric, from the bottom of Faith's pussy right to the hood of her clit she grinned, whispering again into Faith's ear. "And for the record Love, I'm not good enough to have gotten you this wet, this quickly."

Faith felt what was left of her resistance crumble as her knees gave out. Tara's lips were at her ear, and she was talking dirty. When they had first gotten together Tara had been all right with being vocal during sex, and was very good at professing her love, but it hadn't been until Faith that Tara had developed the confidence to start talking dirty, and much to Faith's delight Tara had a knack for it.

"Yeah, I got hot watching you two. All that toned muscle straining, defined, glistening with sweat." Tara was now keeping Faith on her feet by digging her fingers into Faith's backside. "Oh, and the sounds you two made, grunts, growls, panting breaths."

Tara licked the side of Faith's neck and Faith had to remember to breathe. "And the best part was that *I* knew what it would do to you. Ziva is a VERY beautiful woman, a very sexual, sensual woman, and she's got as big of a competitive streak as you do. Combine that streak with Ziva, with the Hungry and Horny, and let's say I'm proud of you for not getting off right there in front of everyone."

She pushed Faith back on the bed, but kept speaking as she took off her bra. "And I would have sworn Ziva was getting turned on too. Her nipples were hard under her sports bra, but you tell me Love. Could you smell her? Could you smell arousal?"

Faith's hands flew to her own crotch as she moaned "Yes!"

Tara held up her hands. "No, you keep those hands where I can see them." She smiled as she said that. "But you'll strip for me now, won't you?"

Faith's head seemed to be joining her arms in rebelling against her mind and following Tara's orders as it emphatically nodded yes. Those traitorous arms then slid Faith's sweats and panties off in one motion that hurled the clothing items to the floor.

Tara looked at her lover, now naked, resting on her back, raised on her elbows, her legs spread not just inviting Tara, but imploring Tara to slide between them. Tara slid off her panties, and then paused right hand on her right hip, hips cocked to the right side. "You have to wonder what Ziva's doing right now? If she's got her busy hands taking care of the state you left her in? Maybe taking advantage of the shower head and directing the stream right where she NEEDS it?"

Faith groaned loudly and fall back on the bed. "If I didn't know you loved me... you know you're killing me here don't you?"

Tara was smiling as she leaned in over Faith. "My poor Baby... I'll kiss it and make it better."

Faith's head popped up. "Hold on a sec, swing your hips up here."

Tara smiled, climbing up on the bed until her hips were straddling Faith's smiling face while her face was pointed back down towards Faith's hips. She started to bring her face down to Faith's sex, but Tara's was already under attack by Faith's questing tongue and she had to brace her hands to get herself down as her body was already getting a mind of it's own as it moved against Faith's face.

Once she felt Faith's hairless pubic mound on her cheek it was easy to roll and seal her lips over Faith's swollen sex lips.

As she did so Faith's diligent actions with her tongue started to slow, started to slur. Tara knew why because she too had to mentally remind herself to give as well as receive, even as her body wanted to simply feel.

It helped that they both loved their partner's taste, with Faith's tongue seeking out more of Tara's nectar while Tara quite literally drank Faith down.

Tara felt herself getting a little frustrated as neither seemed to be able to focus enough to bring their love to climax... the position looked so much better on paper. So Tara moved her mouth to suck directly on Faith's clit while first two fingers of Tara's right hand slid deeply into Faith's pussy and started slamming in and out.

The blonde felt her mind actually clear as Faith lost what little concentration she had and simply moaned. Tara rolled to get her hips out of the way so she could see Faith's face as she moaned, and came.

Faith however didn't seem interested in reveling in what Tara had just done to her as she pulled the woman's hips to her face again and her tongue redoubled it's previous efforts. It didn't have to work very hard or very long as Tara had already been so close, and she cried out Faith's name as she climaxed, and went limp.

It took slayer reflexes to grab Tara's hips and ease her back. Tara went with the motion and allowed herself to be laid back, with a delirious smile on her face, her head towards the foot of the bed.

Faith laid back with a similar smile and her head towards the head of the bed, their bed. At least the smile remained until Tara spoke and turned it to a look of confusion.

"With a little work Ziva could have this solution as well."

Faith however wasn't as mentally aware as her witch was at this point. "Huh?"

Tara's hand was on Faith's leg, idly caressing from her knee to her hip. "Are you saying you didn't notice Ziva and Abby?"

Faith shrugged. "Sure, I mean Abby's cute, but I get a little nervous when a chick is THAT pale, and you already know I like Ziva."

Tara snickered and pinched Faith's thigh. "I mean Ziva and Abby and the fact they are afraid to ask, and afraid to tell."

Faith's head rose, just at the neck. "Is that why you were all touchy feeley with Abby?"

"See, I knew you would notice because you always keep me in your field of perception if we're anywhere near each other. I was testing to see if Ziva did the same thing with Abby."

"Ok, I noticed Ziva started to have trouble concentrating at the end."

Tara sighed a little guiltily. "That was deliberate. I needed to know if she just wanted to make sure Abby was safe, or if she wanted Abby."

Faith laughed. "So you came on to Abby."

Tara smiled. "Um hum. Now it's just a matter of how to get them together."

Faith swore silently. "Babe, I don't remember matchmaking getting added to the Lock's mission profile." When Tara said nothing. "So I'm guessing it's part of yours?" Tara continued to say nothing, but Faith could feel her lover's body was loose and relaxed next to her.

"Well then I'll say I love you, and good luck because it is most definitely not on MY mission profile." Tara continued to say nothing and Faith groaned. "Unless you use the girlfriend trump card where I'm obligated to help you in any and all things you come up with."

Tara finally spoke. "Welcome aboard Sweetie."

Faith exhaled. "Happy to be here."

femslash, btvs, the lock, ncis

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