
Apr 08, 2008 13:52

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skybelpb, rl, cheeky

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Comments 7

burntcircles April 8 2008, 06:12:15 UTC

*grabs pen and paper*

How is it like to have a rat for a pet, exactly? *pushes glasses up nose*


darkwriter69 April 9 2008, 06:54:12 UTC
*sits back comfortably in chair*

Well, you see, she's very friendly and is more than happy to be picked up and petted and she's fairly clean...using the same corner of her cage for a toilet.

In fact, she's quieter, cleaner and friendlier than the kids.



burntcircles April 9 2008, 07:48:06 UTC
*jots everything down*

Dare I surmise that said pet is superior to kids and the latter might soon be dispatched with haste?


darkwriter69 April 11 2008, 12:14:22 UTC

Sorry for not replying sooner...I was busy with the dispatching of kids...


(The comment has been removed)

darkwriter69 April 9 2008, 06:54:44 UTC
Thankyou! I think she's cute too!


alienmom April 8 2008, 22:30:34 UTC
very cute, as rats go.

i had a small black & white spotted mouse as a pet once upon a time, long, long ago. her name was josephine beatrice cool. i called her joe cool! LOL


darkwriter69 April 9 2008, 06:56:06 UTC
I had two mice in my room as a teenager (it was a great way to keep the parents out, lol). Both were white females, Annie and Jo and I had them for almost 3 years.


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