On Writing...

May 02, 2009 20:43

So, I'm writing again.  Just saying.

*adjusts microphone*

*listens to crickets*

*goes back to my fic*

skybelpb, rl

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Comments 18

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darkwriter69 May 4 2009, 02:21:33 UTC

I've been as well as can be expected. I am enjoying the new episodes - up to a point.

I'm glad I'm writing again too. It's been way too long.

*sharpens fingers but bleeds all over keyboard*


tuesdaeschild May 2 2009, 17:26:39 UTC
Yay!!! Now that is good news!!

I hope you're doing well in other ways too, sweetheart.

So can I look forward to some cracking writing from you?!! *sits and wriggles around in anticipation*



darkwriter69 May 4 2009, 02:17:23 UTC

I'm doing as well as can be expected. I have hair again, it's about 3 cm long atm. I would post a piccy but our camera died.

I'm not sure about cracking writing, but I'll offer what I can, lol.

*pokes you because I enjoy seeing you wriggle*



tuesdaeschild May 4 2009, 11:53:30 UTC
*wriggles and giggles* Was that good for you, love?!! :)

As well as can be expected is something, though if positive vibes help I'm sending them by the truckload, sweetheart. And hair!! Yay!!

I'm sure anything you manage to write will be cracking because I know your track record, lady! So I'll be keeping my beady eyes open for something from you!

It really is lovely to see you here! :)
*snuggles you back fondly*


pemphredouk May 2 2009, 20:38:42 UTC
Now that is good news!

I've really missed your work, maybe it will help motivate me to shift out of this very slow gear I'm in with my writing at the moment.



darkwriter69 May 4 2009, 02:15:23 UTC
Thanks Pamela.

Well, I hope I can manage to inspire you to write again because I miss your work too. Maybe that's why we've all been on a writing downer lately, there's nobody really keeping it up to inspire us - except for a diehard few. I think we all need some fanon atm.



lizparker6 May 3 2009, 19:52:41 UTC


And welcome back sweetie, missed you immensely around here!

*hugs hugs hugs*


darkwriter69 May 4 2009, 02:13:02 UTC

I've missed everybody too.

*returns hugs enthusiastically*


lizparker6 May 4 2009, 11:44:18 UTC
I mean it, I MISSED YOU!

And how are you hunny? If you dont mind me asking.

Oh-uh, and I didnt even know you were writing!?! Awesome, can you point me to the right direction as to where to find your works? *iz excited*


darkwriter69 May 4 2009, 11:58:03 UTC
you didn't know I was writing? Shame on you!!!

My stuff can be found at pbfic.net.

Oh, you've reminded me that I haven't finished posting my fics here.

*smacks self*


*needs hug*


recycledfaery May 4 2009, 18:49:58 UTC
hiehie This was fabulous!


darkwriter69 May 6 2009, 01:30:05 UTC
Glad you think so!

*looks all proud*


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