Week One Round Up 2012

Oct 07, 2012 23:47

Monday 1st October: The Best of Intentions for tempered_rose
[Bellatrix/Hermione, R] Hermione always was too smart for her own good.

Tuesday 2nd October: Has there ever been a girl so lucky? for dexstarr
[Pansy/Rose, R] She cares for her mistress, just as her mistress cares for her.

Wednesday 3rd October: The Sanity of Bellatrix Lestrange for madamemilfoy
[Narcissa/Bellatrix, R] Narcissa is asked to come to Azkaban to see her sister. It isn’t until she leaves that she finds out the truth.

Thursday 4th October: Hermione’s Helping Hand for hamimifk
[Hermione/Ginny, NC-17] With the stress of the war gone, Ginny’s nightmares return. Hermione helps her best friend.

Friday 5th October: I'm here for you for pretty_panther [ART]
[Daphne/Pansy, G] Pansy doesn't think she can continue any more, she was never that strong. Daphne is determined to help Pansy through the difficulties she is facing.

Saturday 6th October: Take Her Breath Away for featherxquill
[Rita/Bellatrix, NC-17] She always had taken her breath away, though times have changed now, and Bellatrix Lestrange must do so in return.

Please leave feedback for our lovely authors and artists :)

!weekly round up, year: 2012

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