Let Me Say I'm Sorry (Now, Before You Go) - a gift for leontinabowie!

Dec 11, 2013 23:27

Title: Let Me Say I'm Sorry (Now, Before You Go)
Author: flipflop_diva
Recipient: leontinabowie
Pairing(s): Pansy/Bellatrix, Pansy/Hermione (background Pansy/Draco)
Word Count: 2,269
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: [Spoiler!]Implied torture, slavery, implied dub-con, adultery, profane language, slightly graphic sex, canon character death
Summary: In a world where Lord Voldemort reigns, Pansy ( Read more... )

pairing: bellatrix/pansy, pairing: hermione/pansy, year: 2013, rating: nc-17, !fic

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Comments 3

amorette December 12 2013, 04:59:56 UTC
Poor Hermione! I am glad Pansy gave her some comfort though...

You wrote the darkness in this so well! It was truly horrifying to read the descriptions of the room Hermione was kept it, and it really made my heart ache for her!


leontinabowie December 12 2013, 16:19:55 UTC
This is lovely. The dark theme of the Voldemort-ruled world was captured perfectly.

Poor Hermione and Pansy! I love how you showed the differences between them, with how they accepted the lives that had been forced upon them. Their story is bleak but with a touching tenderness, and it's a beautiful combination.

I also loved your characterisations. I think they were all very in-character, especially Bellatrix, who can be hard to get right.

Thank you very much for this story :) I really enjoyed it :D


fluffyllama December 23 2013, 01:31:50 UTC
Ack, wonderfully dark. Great job!


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