Teacher's Pets - a gift for dexstarr!

Dec 09, 2013 22:59

Title: Teacher's Pets
Author: marianna_merlo
Recipient: dexstarr
Characters: (Gen) Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Alecto Carrow
Word Count: ~ 1,400
Rating: R
Warnings: Dark themes (obviously), non consensual, humiliation
Summary: What happened to all the girls when Alecto Carrow asked them to stay after class?
Author's Note: I hope you enjoy this, dexstarr! I took one of your kinks you listed and decided to center the story around that, because it was so deliciously dark. Thank you A for the beta! ♥

Alecto Carrow had a certain propensity for the Hogwarts girls. She punished the blokes right in the classroom, in front of everyone. She favored the Cruciatus, and it was usually Longbottom who got the brunt of them, poor fool. His so-called bravery earned him nothing but trouble.

But when one of the girls spoke out of turn or questioned the Death Eater regime, Alecto took her out of the classroom, and no one saw her again for at least a day or more. When she came back, she refused to speak of it. Usually she would only blush and stare at the ground in silence when asked what had happened to her overnight with Alecto Carrow.

Pansy dreaded to think about it, much less chance experiencing it for herself, which is why she tried her best to remain invisible during Muggle Studies. There was no way she wanted to draw Alecto's attention and be hauled off for the night to who knew where. The castle was scary enough this year without adding another horror. The places that were once inviting were now dark. The fire in the common room held no warmth for her any more; the Great Hall contained no laughter. Especially since there would be students missing all the time. She and Daphne always kept an eye out for who was absent from dinner one night or the next.

What made it almost intolerably fear-inducing was that it was simply a mystery - where did Alecto take the girls, and what did she do to them?

"We need to find out," Daphne said one night. She was on her side, facing Pansy's bed, her hands tucked underneath her pillow.

Daphne always slept like that, and Pansy slept facing her. It was their own little tradition to stay up later than any of their roommates, talking the night away.

"We is not an option," Pansy whispered. "I don't want to find out anything."

Daphne bit her lip. "Aren't you even the least bit curious?"

"Absolutely not. I want to make it through this year alive." Pansy sighed. "Merlin, I can't wait to be out of here. Finish school, then leave this place as soon I can."

Daphne had never been on board with Pansy's plan, and she snorted disapprovingly now. "I'll never leave Britain."

"And you'll stay here while he rules?"

"He's going to flood the rest of Europe eventually. There's no point in fleeing. How long do you think you'll be able to avoid them?"

"Well, for whatever it's worth…"

Daphne stared past Pansy's head, with that determined look they sometimes got. "Tomorrow morning in class, I'm going to speak out of turn."


"I have to. I want to."

"You're a psychopath." Pansy's breath came short. "You have no idea what might happen to you."

Daphne held her gaze. "Everyone's come back, haven't they? I won't die."

Pansy scoffed. "That's hardly reassuring." Her heart raced at the mere thought.

"It means whatever happens, I'll survive. And then I'll know."

Pansy didn't sleep well that night, and Daphne was in her dreams.

~ ~ ~

Pansy hardly sat still in her seat the next morning. She kept looking at Daphne in the seat next to hers. Pansy's knee shook with nerves, and Daphne would just catch her eye and glare.

"Relax," Daphne whispered.

Daphne was so stupid. What a complete and utter idiot. She was practically on Longbottom's level at this point, purposely causing a fuss just to spite the Carrows. It made no bloody sense.

What was the point of it?

Alecto entered the room, and everyone shut the fuck up and faced forward, eyes lowered to their desks. Pansy snuck another glance at Daphne and saw that she was facing forward, her jaw set in quiet resolve.

Alecto smiled at the class. She was sickly sweet. "Today we will learn about the disgusting habits of Muggle housekeeping." She held her hands behind her back and slowly paced the front of the room. "Instead of spells, they employ manual methods of cleaning… as some of you Mixed-Bloods can probably attest to…" she added, sneering at the room.

Seamus Finnegan clenched his hand into a fist on top of his desk.

"Can anyone give me an example?" Alecto asked.

She looked around, raising an eyebrow at the silence that fell upon them all.

"No one?"

Pansy's leg trembled so hard, her heel threatened to tap against the floor. She exhaled and pressed her foot down flat to stop it.

A hand gingerly went up. It was Justin Finch-Fletchley.

"Yes, you. Speak."

"W… wa… washing dishes by hand?"

Alecto's lips curled into a smile. "Why, yes. That's definitely one of their more disgusting habits. If they possessed the gift of magic, they'd be able to spell their dishes clean."

Another voice interrupted Alecto's speech - one which made Pansy's heart jump in her chest.

"But isn't it true they have some sort of tool that washes dishes for them?" Daphne asked. Her face was leached of color, but her voice had neither trembled nor quaked once while she asked it.

Everyone seemed to hold their breath as Alecto's head snapped in Daphne's direction. Her face became cold and stony with irritation.

"Oh?" Alecto exhaled. "And you think this rivals magic in some way? You think it makes the Muggle beasts clever?"

Daphne stiffly raised her chin, and her chest rose and fell visibly. "I…" It was the first time she faltered, and she cleared her throat. "I believe it's called a Dish Washer. We learned that in last year's course, actually."

"I will not have talk of such things in my classroom," Alecto snapped. "You will see me after class."

Now she'd done it. When the class was over and the rest of the students had filed out, Daphne only gave Pansy a nod, a half smile, and went up to the front of the room.

Pansy was tempted to stand outside and listen - a curious part of her yearned for it - but she simply wouldn't chance being caught. Not when it would be much safer to just wait until tomorrow, when Daphne came back.

… If she were one of the luckier ones.

~ ~ ~

Daphne did return, but Pansy didn't know when exactly it had been, because the first time she saw her was at lunch the next day. Pansy entered the Great Hall to see Daphne sitting at the Slytherin table, staring listlessly ahead.


Pansy ran to the table and plopped down on the bench in front of her, throwing her bag to the side.

"Daphne? Hullo?"

Daphne looked at her then, and Pansy was almost taken aback by the intensity in her eyes.

Pansy leaned forward and lowered her voice. "Daphne. What happened?"

Daphne's mouth curled into a smile, and she laughed, sounding more bitter than ever before. "You won't even believe me if I tell you."

Pansy bit her lip. Did she even want to know? Would it help her in any way, or would she be better off just living in ignorance?

"Tell me," she said finally.

"There are cages."

Pansy blinked. "Cages?"

"Rows of them… stacks of them. Tiny ones." Daphne laughed again, and it scared Pansy. Then Daphne leaned in as well. "There are girls in them. Dozens. Some looked like first years."

Pansy wrinkled her brow.

"There was a Ravenclaw girl in there - I could tell by her uniform - who looked like she'd been in there for days."

"Cages?" Pansy repeated, letting the word fall from her mouth.

"You don't believe me." Daphne shook her head and sat back.

Pansy swallowed. "Were you… did you stay in a … you know?"

It was only then that Daphne showed any sign of embarrassment, her eyes dashing to Pansy's and then away, and her cheeks coloring lightly. She pressed her lips together.

Pansy's chest felt heavy, and she looked at the platters of food in the middle of the table. She didn't want any of it.

Daphne stared past her. "You know, I hope Potter gets him. I truly do."

character: alecto, character: pansy, year: 2013, character: daphne, !fic, rating: r

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