Here's a heads-up for my flist. There is currently a proposal in front of the Big-8 Management Board for
the creation of new newsgroups (text-only forums for the discussion of various topics that can be accessed through
Google Groups for all of us with just a web browser, or through news servers such as
Motzarella for those of us with newsreaders
Read more... )
Comments 10
I may well have to meander over there and give my support :3
The last I really dealt with AUK was back in the mid-90s (back in the days of John Grubor and the Two Steves (Steve Boursy and Steve Winter) as supreme kooks of all Usenet), so I can't speak on the politics there--I'll defer to you on that. I mostly knew him in a net.abuse role (as in having to lock down a substantial part of* thanks to persistent Hipcrime attacks of joe-job spamming and, later, forged cancels and post-replacement attacks).
That depends where you are. Most of the ISPs in my neck of the woods used to offer usenet access, but dropped it several years ago - that's why I now have accounts on a couple of free servers.
( is not carried by Google Groups--perhaps bugging them about it might get them to carry it)
Yet more proof that google groups is crap. The group is on shared-secrets, so I'll check it out. Thanks.
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