Last Night's Meteor

Apr 16, 2010 00:36

This morning, I journaled the following:

I also saw a fireball last night at 11 PM heading south on US-23. It was very long lasting and I saw it break apart at the end. However, it wasn't terribly bright and didn't seem to be moving very quickly. I suspect it was a piece of space junk (such as a fragment of a satellite collision) burning up in the atmosphere, not a true meteor.
In a comment, manekikoneko mentioned that she'd heard about it on the news, so I went looking for news reports. Here are a video segment from The Early Show on CBS and an excerpt of a news story from The Chicago Sun-Times.

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Midwest meteor 'looked like daylight,' likely didn't hit

Chicago's city dwellers may have missed it, but dozens of calls reporting a "fireball" that turned the warm night sky to daylight were reported in the Midwest Wednesday night.

Calls of a meteor flash came in from 10 p.m. Wednesday through midnight, National Weather Service Meteorologist Ashley Sears said.
The timing and direction were perfect for this meteor. For all I know, I'm the farthest east person to see it and report on it.

meteor, real life, astronomy

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