Mar 04, 2008 20:30
The icon is because I should currently be working on a humongous pile of maths coursework due in first thing tomorrow morning and - er -... *coughs* I haven't even so much as tentatively poked the thing. *guiltguiltguilt*
I've been busy looking fo a completed fic I read once a long time ago on and, after a few hours searching, I still can't find it. So I come to appeal to your better natures (with bribes of quicker updates on certain Darkshipping fics, obviously), and ask if any of you have heard of this fic:
I can't remember the title, but I can recall it was a 'threesome' with Yami Yugi, Yami Bakura, and Ryou Bakura. It was a multi-chapter story, I believe, and was more shonen-ai than yaoi. It was less a threesome and more Darkshipping and Tendershipping, but with all of them living in the same house, and er - 'having relations' with one another. Though only Bakura was allowed to take Ryou - aka, Yami could look but not touch. Ryou's pretty resentful of Yami in the story but likes his body - there was a line about him liking Yami's hands? Yami knows Ryou dislikes him and is jealous of him - Bakura plays 'rough' with Yami -, but offers some pretty insightful information regardless, noting the fact that, if Bakura likes Yami most, why is it Ryou that no-one but Bakura is allowed to touch? Something like that.
ANYWAY. So this post isn't completely off-topic (though I do believe the relevance of the Darkshipping in the above fic draws it back in again somewhat, but - meh) - some minor rabbling ficcage for you:
Take what you want when you want it, and let nothing stand in your way. The Thieves' Code, their motto. Their pride, and the glory of one who could fulfill it in every sense of the word, and steal the priciest gem from under the very nose of the one guarding it. The jubilation, the satisfaction, the sheer curling smugness of being hated, of being reviled, of being detested by the rich and powerful who clung onto their precious belongings with loathsome greed and rapacity. What need had they to possess so much, when others possessed so little? Riches should be shared. And, if the rich did not want to do the sharing, it was a thief's pleasure - no their duty - to relieve the gluttonous dogs of their most likely ill-earned goods and put them to better use.
Take what you want when you want it, and let nothing stand in your way. It was a good motto. It was a firm, unshakeable vow, and it had always stood Bakura in good stead before. Motto at his side he had withstood scorn, he had withstood grace, he had stood before the very Pharaoh of Egypt and mocked him atop the corpse of the young god's father, and his motto had not deserted him as he passed through it all, into Death and beyond.
And now he stood before the Pharaoh again.
Take what you want when you want it, and let nothing stand in your way. Bakura had stolen too many things to name over the long spread of his existence; jewels, horses, souls, lives; but now he faced a challenge of another sort, one with eyes of cold, unrelenting fire, lips a thin, faintly-mocking smile.
Irony had a beautiful face, Bakura thought, but a barbed mind. Every word from sweet lips a stinging retort, a glancing blow to the cheek, to the gut, a drip of addictive poison. Should cruel, cold Irony ever bite his tongue he'd most likely kill himself from the venom contained in his own words.
Take what you want when you want it, and let nothing stand in your way. What if the thing standing in your way was the item you so wished to possess? That you coveted, that you desired, that you dreamed of, night after night, hot and silky and sharp all in one. Darkness dreamt of in darkness, insidious tendrils of lust slipping in amongst other thoughts, curling tight and warm in his abdomen whenever he glanced Irony's way.
Take what you want when you want it, and let nothing stand in your way...
He stood so close, the Pharaoh's body but inches from his, heat radiating from beneath the dark leather the other favoured, from the spirit's skin, tantalising warmth. Darker eyes, scarlet as fire, crimson as blood, unreadable and cold as rubies, shrewd enough to catch the desire flaming in Bakura's eyes.
Leaning in, breath whispering across Bakura's exposed neck, the albino's eyes drifting shut. The smell of spice, some lingering smell of incense, of Egypt, of the golden sands and times forgotten... The sounds of breathing, his own breath catching in his throat.
A silky murmur, so close, but it never quite touched his skin -
"You'll never have me, thief, so stop wasting your time in foolish dreams."
Bakura drew back with a sudden snarl, ire flashing as he caught the mocking twist to the other's mouth, the faintest sneer -
"Damn you." His voice was a hiss, dark with anger, furious with need.
The sneer grew, Yami twisting his head and whole body away in a sudden dismissive gesture. "Much as you curse me, thief, I am not one of the damned. That lonely fate is yours, and yours alone."
Take what you want when you want it, and let nothing stand in your way.
Bakura watched the other turn away completely, move away. Cruel, cold, beautiful Irony.
Damn you. The motto could only take so much.