I am just back from the concert that was given by the chorus I am a member of, in Duke Chapel. Er, let me rephrase that.
Okay, so I've been singing with a women's chorus every monday for a while now. And our concert was today, in Duke Chapel. And I'm just back from it.
And thank god we had an intermission, because (
I nearly fainted )
Comments 5
I'm glad you were able to sing for your favorite one. It would have been horrible to go all that way and practice that much to miss nearly all of it due to a situation like that. I'm glad you're doing alright too. *huggles* Wish I could have heard you there. =^_^=
Since my fingers did get purple for a brief while in there, it probably had more to do with the respiratory system than with "skipping too many meals." By the way, I don't appreciate that "again," there. It makes me sound like a borderline anorexic.
This kind of thing does happen from time to time, although not, as I said, due to performing (Leaping around the room until you run out of breath and still not stopping? Yes. Singing? No), and it always passes quickly. No worries.
Anyway, I hope you are feeling fine now. Low blood sugar has done that to me too, before, and it is no fun.
Yeah, I'm all better now. Thanks for the sympathy and lack of assumption!nagging. *sister, father, I'm looking at YOU*
Let me see... you should be in Spain now, yes? How goes that?
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