of culture and cosplay...

Nov 16, 2008 02:50

Earlier I was faced with a question relating to what is known as the otaku subculture here in our country, aimed at cosplayers, to be exact. And being such an argumentative person, I immediately sought to combat the rhetoric. BECAUSE I CAN. XD

So the initial question is, "do cosplayers want to be japanese?". But within that comes the real ( Read more... )

omake, essay, argument, inconvenient, cosplay

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Comments 4

tomoyohime8 November 16 2008, 14:42:44 UTC
while we're comparing - nobody accuses the people who dress up like harry potter of wanting to be british. 0_o while we're at it, everyone who dresses in american clothes should be accused of wanting to be american. ;D

not that i've tried cosplay (too expensive), but it looks like fun, XD


darksage29 November 16 2008, 14:48:03 UTC
it IS fun... you should try it some time. The expenses are actually low if you try hard enough. :3


tomoyohime8 November 17 2008, 12:41:14 UTC
maybe in a few years, ^_^; i just cleaned out my savings account for a laptop and a psp.


darksage29 November 17 2008, 12:43:58 UTC
the costs rarely go beyond a thousand so it should be great. :3


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