Title: The Loneliness of the Long Distance Gunner
darkrosetigerFandom:Final Fantasy VIII
Character: Irvine Kinneas
Archive: Please ask.
Rating: R
Summary: It's hard out here for a sniper.
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Irvine Kinneas belongs to SquareSoft/Enix and is used completely and utterly without permission.
Notes: I have no idea where this came from
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Comments 7
So, what, FF the movie or the books or the video game, or... I mean, where would one find the source text for the fanfic that's currently catching my eye?
This FF is the video game; number 8 in the series. RPG gamer has some resources, including the full script here.
Cheer up, emo sniper!
The distinction between a soldier and an assassin is a poignant one and it's terribly fitting that Irvine makes it. I'm glad your story adds another layer to him. I don't think the game gets across how messed up these children-turned-mercenaries are, and people don't seem to think about it. (I try to write about it and it turns lamebrained. D:)
I also like how you run your sentences together to describe all he has think about (second and second-last paragraphs). In both cases, it's apt for a man who has to keep all this in his head and then channel it all into one bullet.
And the last two lines are confrontational and perfect. Much love for Irvine!
I found you through my ad at the FF_eight community, and glanced over your journal because I was curious. You mind if I add you?
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