Voice Actors:
Yuri - ..... I'm worried about him... I've heard some of his roles and the sound isn't as -- I don't know... at least its not a bad voice. It sounds good, i think i've gotten spoiled with ToA though... ; ; .....
youtube preview? (He does Kilik's voice)It's hawt though, just hope he's not as "stiff" sounding as he seems in that.
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Comments 7
AND THANK YOU FOR THE INTERVIEW QUESTIONS! <33333 I really love reading things like this. And I'm so happy he said Abyss in both questions! XD Though come on! "It's whoever you think it is"???? THAT ANSWERS NOTHING! TT That could mean it's Luke, Asch, OR Lusch.
And once again
I can't wait to play this game. X3
Did you really ever listen to the preview of gay??
And yes, I like reading them too AND YES THANK YOU GEEZUS FOR FINALLY VOICED SKITS! Oh, btw, "BUT in that latter interview, Gouda Tsutomu brought up something very interesting: "Tales of Vesperia will be out first, and we actually think it'll be earlier than you think." *crosses fingers* though... I'll probably have to play at a friends house cause Lauren is like *CLUTCH* with her 360.
As for the voices. Shit. How do they already have these roles figured out?
Grant George for Yuri is...skdljfsljgslkgkklsg IT'S SHINJI! FROM PERSONA 3. SHINJI. I APPROVE. XD
As for Riegal, I don't know. I'm purposely staying AWAY from all previews/information/whatever on Vesperia. So I can't match the voice to the name or anything but I have learned to never judge a voice until it's heard on the character.
Erin Fitzgerald for example. When I heard she was doing Polka I wondered if she could sound GIRLY, cute, and fragile (like I pictured her)...because Sync and Alkaid (and I have NO complaints on how they sounded, loved both voices on them) sounded boyish, even Bo sounded boyish (as expected), but Saku still didn't carry a cute sounding voice (though she was hardly meant to). But in the end...she pulled it off SO well that I hardly recognized it was HER as Polka.
Ultimately i can do around 1100 voices. including different accents and ages.
Howdy there! Sorry I never update my journal, I'll get around to it eventually. Anyway, I'm here to comment on yours! ^.^
Whee! Axxum news about Vesperia! My only worry, the same worry I have whenever a new Tales game comes out, is that everyone (or the majority) is going to put the last game completely on the back burner. I just recently got realllly into Abyss, and I don't want it to fade so soon! T.T
On the up-note, my favorite tales game, Symphonia, is getting its sequel. Heard anything on that lately? The forums are really obnoxiously pessimistic about everything, so I try to stay away from the "new game" discussions these days. XD
And what the crap on that last answer?!?!?!?!?!?!??!!!!! Nuuuuu! That's like the ONE question I would ask if I ever got to interview those guys. >.< Either that or what Jade was doing to Dist when they were alone in that room....
and lol! that's ok, but its good to hear from you <3
LOL awww don't worry, I wouldn't let Abyss fall from my top of the list. Sure I'm going to be excited, but only Abyss has managed to lock and pin itself to my soul and allow me to sink and sink deeper into the dark black hole which we know as Abyss. Too much goodness to let die. Abyss already faded from many--I SHALL BE THE LIGHT OF THE SACRED FLAME AND CARRY THE FANDOM ON MY OWN SHOULDERS! jk... but I'm too in love with Vesperia for it to just die off XD;
AND I KNOW! OMGZ. its like... well wtf, now we'll never know! that would totally be something i'd ask too T__T
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