The number one Normal Person

Oct 02, 2009 02:33

*Anyone near the castle may hear a commotion going on outside. There are loud foot steps, some occasional roaring and the sounds of lasers flying, and of course a loud squeak of fear can be heard. Raspberyl is running towards the castle as fast as her now human esq body can take her, and she's being followed by a large crowd of angry demons*

HEY! ( Read more... )

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Comments 44

Yeah, Tenshi is aware she lacks powers, she just forgot temporarily peachhat October 2 2009, 06:57:31 UTC
Hey, that's just not fair, you weaklings. Don't bully other weaklings!


darkmastern October 2 2009, 07:51:27 UTC
Wow, first you help out in the chapel and now you're trying to save me, you really are a delinquent!

*The other demons continue following Beryl, but the prinny stops*

What's that dood? weakling!

*He slaps his chest*

I'm solid as a rock dood!


peachhat October 2 2009, 12:10:27 UTC

[Tenshi throws a pretty normal rock at his face - but she knows rocks and is pretty good with throwing!]

You don't seem to tough to me at all, prinny!


2/2 peachhat October 2 2009, 12:11:05 UTC
(And yes, I am a delinquent, a delinquent celestial? Why did she point that out again?)


kyoko_needle October 2 2009, 07:08:17 UTC

*Several Kunai hit the demons in the face. In their confusion, Kyoko runs in, grabs Raspberyl, and runs away.*

My lady, thank the heavens you are ok!


darkmastern October 2 2009, 07:54:00 UTC
*beryl smiles at her and also looks back at Asuka who put herself in front of the demons*

Oh! My heroes!

*Beryl lets out a sigh of relief, feeling MUCH safer now that they were here*

We can't just leave Asuka to fight those things alone though! They haven't lost any power at all!


kyoko_needle October 2 2009, 08:00:15 UTC
Don't worry. I'll be heading back to help her. Just stay back here. We may have lost our skills, but we are still powerful with our weapons!

*She places Raspberl down a good 20 feet behind Asuka. She then pats her on the head*

Don't worry, we will be right back!

*Then she runs back to help Asuka*


darkmastern October 2 2009, 08:13:49 UTC
Alright, I'll be rooting for you, be careful!

raspberries... I wish I could do something to help, I feel so weak right now...


papercranelover October 2 2009, 07:23:21 UTC
oh no! My lady!

[Asuka jumps into the way of the demons, to shield Raspberyl(and Kyoko) with her body if required, ready to fight till the end with her sword!]


darkmastern October 2 2009, 07:58:13 UTC
*Beryl watches Asuka intently as Kyoko pulls her out of the way.*

You can do it Asuka! But watch out, they're really strong!

*The Baciel skids to a stop and growls*


*He fires a few more shots into the air and then points his laser gun at Asuka*


kyoko_needle October 2 2009, 08:03:06 UTC
*Mirror flies and hits them laser beams, knocking them right back at the Baciel. Kyoko lands next to Asuka, with some more mirror shards in her pouch.*

We may be weaker then you, but we trained under the best delinquent out there. Leave her alone, you we will be forced to stop you. You ready Asuka? Seems like we have to rely on normal team attacks.


darkmastern October 2 2009, 08:11:59 UTC
Dammit what was....

Oh You too ehh? Heh, here I thought I'd only get to mess up one delinquent today! now I gots 3!

*He snorts and hocks a loogie on the ground before stepping back*

Well then, how bout this! EXTINCTOR CANNON!

*He charges up his laser cannon and points it towards them for a moment before firing a massive laser beam*


therestherobot October 2 2009, 07:23:25 UTC
Okay, let's see how well this thing works.

[Robo fires his lightning gun from the hip (because there's not much point in aiming a gun like this.) and catches a demon chasing Raspberyl in the blast. Holding down the trigger, he keeps the demon thrashing about on the floor.

It was about now that he realized that all the other demons had noticed him. And they were none too pleased about someone interrupting their fun. Dozens of angry, glowing eyes all focus on Robo.]

Some day, I'll learn to think further ahead.


darkmastern October 2 2009, 08:01:49 UTC
*Beryl is very thankful that Robo arrived when he did, and even moreso that he drew what was left of the crowd, she just hoped that he wouldn't be killed because he saved her life. She wanted to help badly, but there wasn't much she could with only a book to weild in battle.*

Good luck Mr.Robo! I believe in you!


therestherobot October 2 2009, 08:09:36 UTC
Time for plan B.


[And he's off like a quarter ton yet decently agile robot.]


darkmastern October 2 2009, 21:17:28 UTC
*beryl looks back to see him running with her now*

W-wait I thought you were saving me, not running away!


xinshanquangal October 2 2009, 20:39:53 UTC
A flying kick, and in comes a genuine kung fu master! ...sort of, but she's still pretty good. Li is a flurry of punches and kicks, and even if she can't move quite at kung fu movie speeds -- well, actually we remind you that regular kung fu speeds are still pretty damn fast in the right hands.

Oy! You bastards, how 'bout fightin' someone who can actually fight back?!


darkmastern October 3 2009, 04:59:37 UTC
*Beryl is impressed by the kung-fu, and gives her thanks as she darts past. Li easily drops some of the demons and a few of them even run away, but one of them for sure is still ready to go. A Zombie with an afro and a headband is standing in front of her*

Mmm-mmm ain't no way, ain't no way. That girl made me give up some of my favorite stolen clothes to a charity! Ain't no way I'mma let you stand in my way!

*he takes a typical martial arts stance and then lunges forward with a roundhouse kick*


xinshanquangal October 3 2009, 06:05:55 UTC
She moves, barely dodging the kick; an attack with the legs? Oh, she has a counter for that.


This Bai Li Dao Yi Bu Jiao is just for you, baby.

Can't get what ya want by cheatin', you undead prick!


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