Title: Hell Author: Liv darkmagic-luvr Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly Characters: River Tam, Sam Winchester, Dr. Mathias, Dean Winchester, Simon Tam 30-kisses Prompt: 29. the sound of waves
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Well this is totally awesome. I feel silly that I just found it now - how dare you hide such magnificence from me. I adore Sam!Academy.kid and this is brilliant. The part where they touch each other thruogh the wall - it's so perfect that I can see it clear as day in my mind. I WAS going to rec you Growing Panes by PaBurke as a look, let's move more Academy!Sam, but it's already in your favourites at ff.net. ^^ As usual, I love everything you write and eagerly await more <3. Love you Liv!
Comments 1
I WAS going to rec you Growing Panes by PaBurke as a look, let's move more Academy!Sam, but it's already in your favourites at ff.net. ^^
As usual, I love everything you write and eagerly await more <3. Love you Liv!
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