Aug 06, 2011 22:16
I have a request for my Merlin friends. I need to get back into making picspams; they're easy and fun and I love doing them (when I'm not stressing out about them).
give me a specific scene from an episode, a pairing, a character moment or a theme and I'll do like a....twenty cap spam of it.
ask me for the labyrinth scene between Arthur and Merlin.
ask me for Sophia/Will.
ask me for all the times Merlin gets thrown in the stocks.
ask me for something flower centric.
I'm just procrastinating and bored and my internet connection is being spotty. I'm not really feeling icon making atm, but I can't for the life of me be creative with larger graphics right now.
Just Merlin please, or Game of Thrones or Kick Ass.
also, does anyone know a good hosting site for GoT caps? I'm too lazy to troll around looking for one.
also, troll is my new favorite verb.