Title: Blood In The Water
amindayaCrossover: Supernatural/Dark Angel/Firefly
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters you see before you. They all belong to their respective owners. I do however, own any characters you don't recognize. Please don't use them without my permission.
Type: Het/Gen/(fem)Slash
Word Count: 34750
Characters/Pairings: Sam, River, Mal, Inara, Dean, Jayne, Mole, Bela, Max, Alec, Bobby, Zoe, Jo, Simon, Lydecker, Logan, OC, White, Joshua OC's. Sam/River, Max/Alec, Jo/Simon, Jo/Bela (hinted), Inara/Original Cindy (hinted)
Warnings: violence, strong language, sexual content, character death. The whole nine yards.
Spoilers: Spoilers for the Firefly/Serenity combo, through all current seasons of Supernatural (though set in season 3), and for the entire series of Dark Angel.
Summary: After a series of dreams about a girl, and the chance encounter of a cowboy, Sam Winchester finds himself with a girlfriend he can‘t touch and information about his body he really didn‘t need to know. After giving up hope on talking any sort of sense to his brother, Dean Winchester finds himself in the company of a mercenary and a lizard man, wait, make that two mercenaries, a lizard man and a guy in a wheelchair with a God complex who has a thing for some dude named Max. Bobby Singer is a patient man, but if those two revved up teenagers don’t stop calling him a Stupid Ordinary, he’s gonna kick both their asses.
Author’s Notes: This idea was actually set in my head last year, and after attempting to start the original idea I had for this Bang fell through I decided to fall back onto this idea. I honestly wish I could expand it more, but I wouldn't know how. It begs for a sequel, and I had such a good time playing with this. Below is a link to the amazing art by
amindaya and a couple of story dividers I made a few short hours ago. Also, translations for the Chinese I used.
This story was not beta'd (mostly because I never want to look at it again). All mistakes are my own. If anything big jumps out at you, like say, the missing of a word or the misspelling of one, please let me know. Comments are wonderful.
Art Post Preface Part I Part II Part II (cont.) Part III Part III (cont.) Chinese you will find: (in order of appearence)
fèn kǒng - shit hole
bì zuǐ - shut up
shén me shì tā - what is it
o jié jìn quán lì wo néng de - I’m doing the best I can
cào nín nín de mǔ qīn - fuck you and your mother
tyen-ah - oh god
nín cóng rèn hé yī gè tīng jiàn liǎo - have you heard from any of them
These are dividers that I made myself in the time it took to post the fic.