spn/ff - Help I'm Alive 5/?

Sep 01, 2009 23:27

Title: Help, I’m Alive 5/?
Author: Liv
Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly
Characters: Sam, Dean, Bobby, River
30-kisses Prompt: 19. Red
Rating: R
Warnings: general spoilers.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or Firefly. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.
Author’s Note: I’m this close to impregnating River via la dream land. If you don’t want to see that happen to River (at least in a happy way) then let me know.
Translation: stupid, fucking repetitive (all one phrase).
part 1|part 2|part 3| part 4

“I love you.”

Sam woke up with a start as Dean hit him over the head. They were still driving to Bobby’s, he must have dozed off for a few minutes. But it was enough, enough to see her face, to-

“What were you dreaming about?”

“Lollipops and candy canes,” said Sam with a sigh, turning his head to the window, staring at the trees flying by. He heard Dean snort.

“I’m sure,” he muttered. Sam glared at him over his shoulder but didn’t respond. The rest of the drive was spent in silence, giving Sam time to think. River hadn’t answered after he told her he loved her. To give her credit, she didn’t exactly have time to. He glanced over at Dean who had his eyes on the road and a hard look on his face. And if it were up to Dean he’d probably never sleep again, and it was starting to take its toll.

“Dean, you gotta let me sleep at some point,” said Sam, shaking off a yawn.

“We’ll be at Bobby’s in ten,” said Dean, adjusting his grip on the steering wheel. Sam rolled his eyes, moving his hand to his forehead. He was starting to get a head ache from all of this. Dean looked over at him and signed, relaxing a bit into his chair.

“You can sleep when we get to Bobby’s.”

“You’re sure Dad’s gonna be there?” asked Sam, looking over at Dean from under his hand. He watched Dean nod and tried not to call him out on his lie. “Good.”

“Yeah.” it took twenty minutes of uncomfortable silence before they reached Bobby’s, and Bobby was waiting outside for them, his dog lying at his feet. He nodded at them as Dean pulled up and they climbed out of the car.

“Dean. Sam, it’s been a while.”

“Good to see you Bobby,” Sam said with a grin. Despite whatever it was Bobby and Dean were plotting against him, it was nice to see the guy. “Dean says you heard from Dad.”

“He called, said he was stopping by. C’mon in, we’ll have a beer.”


Dean clapped him on the shoulder, moving past him into Bobby’s house. Sam turned his head, looking for the noise, for that voice that sounded oddly like-

“Sammy, let’s go.”

“Coming,” muttered Sam, still staring out into the junkyard. He could have sworn it was River…either her or he really needed to get some sleep, because if it was her then something freaky was going on.

500 years in the future, River was waking up. Breathing hard, her skin flushed and stomach churning. Her body was adjusting to the medication, she would need it in a higher dosage for it to work like it had been. She’d have to take more from Simon.

Pushing damp hair off of her face, River untangled herself from her sheets and climbed out of bed, only to double over by a wave of nausea and dizziness and warmth. She didn’t feel right in this world, didn’t feel right to be awake without Sam.


He’d told her he loved her. She hadn’t gotten a chance to tell him back before that gorram brother of his woke him back up. She’d tried to tell him, he might have heard her. A second wave of nausea hit her already doubled over form, bringing her to her knees and throwing up on the floor.

Simon would see this. He’d make her talk to her. Put her in that room, with the lights and needles asking what she see’s and what she dreams. It none of his gorram business what she dreams.

River pushed herself back onto her feet, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and pulling it back with red staining her skin. She stared at it; shiny, wet and coppery. River looked down at the floor where she’d been sick and then at the door to her room. Simon had yet to make an appearance, she might have time to clean it up before he noticed anything, before he started asking his yú bèn, xìng jiāo fǎn fù questions.

Like why she was throwing up blood.

part 6

bobby singer, dean winchester, supernatural, firefly, sam winchester, crossover, river tam

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