Sam/River - Help, I'm Alive 1/?

Mar 18, 2009 01:03

Title: Help, I’m Alive 1/?
Author: Liv darkmagic-luvr
Fandom: Supernatural/Firefly
Characters: River, Sam, Simon, Dean, Inara
30-kisses Prompt: 25. fence
Rating: R
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I don’t own Supernatural or Firefly. Any characters you don’t recognize are original and should not be used without my permission.

“It’s time to go to sleep again.”

“No, mei mei. It’s time to wake up.”

Simon told her to lie on her back and try to relax. He didn’t say that he was hoping it would work and it would make her better, just like Jayne didn’t say he was sorry every time he looked at her. The needle pierced her arm and she could feel the drugs rushing into her blood, like magic. She closed her eyes and imagined all the bad thoughts seeping out of her pores, and the good thoughts, her own thoughts, rushing into her like wind. Rushing into her and out of her and around her. When Simon was gone she let an orgasm rip through her body, her whimpers catching inside her mouth, held clamped together by her teeth. Simon would think it was part of the drugs, and he wouldn’t tell her to sleep so he wouldn’t have to worry about her. Where she was, if she was going to get hurt.

She closed her eyes, feeling very sleepy and completely awake. Her head was spinning and she wanted to throw up, but instead she just closed her eyes and tried to sleep.

She hadn’t ever been in a car before. Smooth leather sliding across the back of her legs and parts of her shoulders. It made some of her hair static-y, and it flew up around her face. Two men were sitting in the car, one of them was driving the other was flipping through a book. They didn’t notice she had appeared in their back seat, not even when the one driving looked at her in mirror on the window. Her eyes narrowed curiously, and she quickly assessed her surroundings.

She’d never had a dream like this before. It looked, it felt, it smelled. She was sure that if she reached out to touch the other one's hair, she could feel it, and he would look at her. She reached, he jumped.

And blinked at her. Like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He looked back at his brother and then back at her.

“I am dreaming then,” he said, like he hadn’t believed it before. River sat forward, aware now that they were both dreaming, and they were both separate people. “Thank god.”

River cocked her head at him. “You aren’t talking to me.”

He frowned. “Yes I am.”

But he wasn’t. Not like everyone else had been. The way they weren’t talking, the way they didn’t move. His name was Sam, and she didn’t know how she knew it. But she knew his name, and she knew that he knew her name. That her name was River. It was acknowledged.

“Do you dream with people regularly?” it was her question. She was curious to know if he was like her. He shook his head. It was a no.

“Why are you in my dream?”

“Because I didn’t have one to go to,” she was still herself, and she was glad when he smiled at her. Her question put a frown back on his face.

“I’m not sure,” he looked over at his brother and back at her. “I spend so much time in here, it’s safe.”

“I like it,” said River, sliding her hand across the leather, toward him. Her fingers brushed his shoulder, and she throbbed. He hissed at her contact, his mouth opening as he looked down at her hand and then back up at her.

“This is way too real,” he was talking to himself. But it wasn’t so real. Sam climbed over the seat, into the back of the car next to River. The dream let him, and his hands fell agaisnt her hips when he sat down next to her. The same feeling throbbed in her again and she bit her lip. She’d felt that same with Zoë and Wash, or with Inara, but never alone, never in a dream. Her hands were on his wrists, his fingers dug into her hips, pulling her closer to him, into his chest, onto his lap. She was like a doll in his hands.

Her breasts brushed against his chest and she swallowed. His hands slid lower on her thighs and back up again, under her dress. The whole time he was staring into her eyes, and if her's looked anything like his did, they were burning, dark with a sin she hadn’t ever felt so strongly before. One of his hands left her leg and slipped underneath her underwear, into her, and she sucked in a breath. Sam swallowed, leaning forward instinctively until his mouth was pressed against her collarbone. He bit the skin there and sucked on her, one of his hands sliding inside of her, while his other gripped her hip. Her hands were still on his wrists, her nails biting into the thin skin she found.

The drug might have made her orgasm before, but Sam was the only thing making her cry out now. His name was on her tongue, thick and sweet. He pulled his hand away from her core and replaced it on her hip, letting her sag against him. River felt his erection trapped in his pants, and he shifted under her, moaning into her neck from the friction. He eased his teeth out of her skin and ran his tongue over the spot, easing the pain.

He leaned his head back against the leather, his eyelids heavy with lust. River stared back.

And then she was staring up at the ceiling in her room on board Serenity. She was awake, there was no doubt. She climbed out of bed and left her room, heading for the kitchen, her knees trembling from her dream.

Inara smiled at her when she walked in, but frowned when she turned. “River, sweetie, what happened to your neck?”

River clapped a hand to her neck, in the spot Sam had bitten her. She could feel the indents his teeth had made and blinked in surprise.

Sam woke up to Dean chuckling at him, asking if he had a rocket in his pocket or if he was just happy to see him. Sam told him to fuck off and Dean threw his words back in his face. Sam shook his head and moved his hand up to brush his hair out of his face, stopping short when he realized their were moon shaped indents in his wrists, like the ones River would have left if she hadn’t been a dream.

“Holy shit,” he muttered, staring at his wrists. Dean looked over at him and frowned, leaning closer to peer at the nail marks.

“How’d those get there?”

“I have no idea.”

In all honesty, he really had no fucking clue.

part 2

supernatural, firefly, sam winchester, river tam

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