fic - Business or Pleasure?

Dec 11, 2008 22:59

Title: Business or Pleasure?
Author: Liv darkmagic-luvr
Fandom: CSI:NY/Criminal Minds
Characters: Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia, JJ Jearau mentions of Flack/Prentis
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: no ownership of CM or CSI:NY.
Authors Note: mostly told from Garcia and Morgan’s POV.

“Who are you talking to?” Emily looked up, slightly startled, as Morgan slid into the desk across from her. “You’ve been texting someone for the past half an hour. Who is it?”

“Just…this detective I know.”

“Yeah? Where?”

“New York.”

“What’s his name?”

“I’m not telling.”


“Because, you’ll get Garcia to learn all about him. He’s a good guy, he doesn’t need the FBI breathing down his neck just because he’s dat-talking to me.”

“Alright, fine,” said Morgan, standing up. He gave Emily one last look before turning and heading out of the bullpen and in the direction of Garcia’s office. He knocked twice before entering, so as to not scare the hell out of her.

“Hey, hot mama,” said Morgan, walking into her office and closing the door behind her. “I need you to do something for me.”

“Anything you want, you gorgeous thing you.”

“Can you tell me who Prentiss has been talking too?”

“Why? Is she in trouble?”

“No, she’s got a boyfriend.”

“Ah, what a wicked mind you have. I’m so in. Give just a sec,” Morgan waited, watching Garcia work her magic on her keyboard until a list of phone calls came up. Garcia toiled for a moment before picking the most repeated number (right after a Chinese restaurant).

“Okay, that number belongs to a Don Flack.”

“In New York?”

“There are four Don Flack’s in New York.”

“How many of them are detectives?”

“Two. A senior and a junior.”

“Let’s hope it’s the junior.”

“Bingo, the senior is retired. Ooh, looks juniors consulted with the FBI before.”


“SSA Prentiss has been to assigned to that particular precinct three times for consults.”

“Can you look up how many times she’s been there for pleasure?”

“What kind of pleasure?”

“Don’t tease me, girl.”

“Alright, alright…woah.”

“… That’s a lot.”

“Seriously. He comes down just as much as she goes up there, and if we want to take out other sorts of business, that’s still a lot of visits.”

“So it’s safe to say they aren’t just friends?”

“The pleasure they are getting must be incredible,” said Garcia, staring at her computers. “Seriously, the sex must be fantastic-”

“Do have a picture of this guy?”

“I have been waiting so long for you to ask me that,” said Garcia under her breath, clicking a few things until a picture popped up. Garcia’s eyebrows rose in approval. “Definitely great sex.”

“Hay, Garcia I need you to- what are you two doing?” Garcia and Morgan looked behind them to see JJ standing in the doorway with a file in her hands, staring over their heads at the computers.

“Background check,” said Morgan simply.

“On who?”

“Emily’s boyfriend,” said Garcia, spinning her chair over to JJ and grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her in. She looked around for a second to make sure that no one saw her and shut the door. She turned back to JJ and Morgan (who was reading the rest of Don’s profile). “Don Flack, Jr.”

“He’s cute.”

“He’s a detective. Which means he has handcuffs-”

“I don’t like where you’re going with that, Garcia,” said Morgan, not turning back from the computer screen. Garcia rolled her eyes and pushed him out of the way, jabbing her keyboard a few times.

“Looks like he has a sister,” she mumbled. “Arrested a few times.”

“Black sheep,” said JJ. “Every family has one.”

“Yeah, at least she’s not a serial killer,” said Garcia. “Arrests are mostly alcohol related, but looks like she hasn’t been thrown in the slammer for anything in a few months.”

“Maybe she’s sober.”

“Go back to the picture of the detective,” said JJ, leaning forward and resting her elbows on Garcia’s desk.

“Sure, JJ. Why?”

“Because I want to look at him again.”

“You two are unbelievable.”

“What? Oh, come on, we are those who appreciate beauty,” said Garcia, sighing as a press photo of Don appeared on screen. JJ tilted her head to the side in appreciation.

“And nice butts.”

“I second that.”

“What are you three doing?” JJ, Garcia and Morgan froze, turning slowly to see Emily standing behind them with her arms folded across her chest. JJ looked over at Morgan and Garcia then back at Emily, raising her hands up in defense.

“I was not involved,” Emily looked at Garcia and Morgan, quirking an eyebrow. Garcia swallowed nervously and pointed up at Morgan.

“His idea,” Emily opened her mouth to tell Morgan off, when her phone started ringing.

“Is that the boyfriend?” asked Morgan. JJ and Garcia immediately perked up.

“Can we get pictures?” Emily rolled her eyes and answered her phone, turning and walking out of Garcia’s office.

“Oh, Garcia, I need you to do something for me,” said JJ, suddenly remembering why she had walked into Garcia’s off in the first place.

“Sure, sugar.”

Morgan sighed, his background check complete. The guy looked pretty straight, no need to cause an alarm, it was Emily he was worried about. She was going to tear him a new one.

“Hey, the lead detective on this case is Don Flack.”

“What?” asked Morgan, his head spinning around. Garcia nodded, pointing at the case file in JJ’s hands.

“Looks like they have a serial killer,” said JJ. “Someone they’re calling the Cabbie Killer.”

“Looks like we get to meet Prentiss’ boyfriend after all,” said Morgan, straightening up and heading out with JJ close behind him, leaving Garcia to stare at her computer.


criminal minds, csi: ny, crossover

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