Title: Spin The Carousel 5/7
Author: Liv
Fandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester, River Tam, Mal Reynolds, Simon Tam, Inara Serra
30_shinyfics Prompt: 22. glass
30_kisses Prompt: 8. our own world
mission_insane Prompt: 09. Waiting
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters before you. They belong to their respected creators, and not me.
Author’s Note: How would everyone react to an older version of Sam and River’s daughter as
Emmy Rossum? I don’t know what I would do with her being that old, but it’s just an if.
Part 1|
Part 2|
Part 3|
Part 4 Sam’s heart was pounding so hard in his chest he thought the guards might hear it. River was standing next to him, biting the skin on her thumb, waiting patiently, and so much less nervously than Sam felt. Mal was counting to himself, his mouth moving to the numbers. Something sounding like a bomb suddenly went off. The ceiling tiles rattled and the floor shook. Just like that every person imaginable was running down the hall past the corner Sam, Mal and River were standing in.
Mal held up his hand for them to wait a minute, but River pushed past him, heading in the direction the guards were going.
“River,” hissed Mal, both men glancing at each other before heading after her. Sam caught up with her first, something metal clanging gently behind them. He grabbed onto River’s arms and (glancing around first to make sure there weren’t any other rooms) jerked the handle on the open door next to them, moving in with Mal close behind them.
Mal and Sam waited, listening to the guards run by them. They both exhaled in relief. Sam turned and headed towards River, slinging his arm over her shoulder and rubbing his other hand across his face. He looked down at her, wondering briefly what she was staring at. It took him a moment but he looked up, his mouth opening in horror.
“Darlin’, what the hell were you-” Mal found himself cut off by Sam holding up his hand. “Sam?” Sam pointed straight in front of them to the center of the room where a ten by ten glass tube was sitting, something liquid sloshing over the edge as the thing inside it moved.
“It’s a girl,” said Mal, taking a step forward. He looked behind him toward the door, looking for the room number to compare it to the one he was given by Niska. “It’s the same room number. This is what- who, Niska’s wants.”
River and Sam were ignoring him. They were just staring at the girl. River went as far as to walk up to the glass tube, placing her hand on the surface, where the girls face was.
“Emmy,” whispered River, her head tilting to the side and her mouth hanging open a bit.
“What?” asked Mal, looking at River. “Emmy?”
“River, back up,” said Sam darkly, raising up his gun. Mal gave him a look and opened his mouth to protest. He didn’t have a chance, however, because as soon as River was far enough away Sam shot at the glass. It tool three shots for the glass to shatter completely, and in three steps, Sam was at the girl’s side, on his knees, pulling wires and tubes away from her body.
River was sitting outside the infirmary, holding her knees up to her chest and chewing on one of her fingernails, staring through the window at the people moving around the person strapped to the chair in the center of the room. Inara was standing next to Sam, trying to get the glass out of his hands. Sam kept asking the same questions over an over again, not really paying attention to Inara until she would shift a piece of glass and he would swear in something that wasn’t Chinese. It used to make everyone giggle, River knew it was the only word he could find that fit.
“Is she going to be okay?” River watched him mouth over at Simon. Simon had been ignoring him up until that point, and he finally sighed and looked up at Sam. Inara (so used to not hearing a response) stopped what she was doing and looked up too. River watched him mouth something, only recognizing a few of the words he was saying.
“...stabilized...don’t know what...whatever is was...the hell out of her.”
“Like what they did to River?” asked Sam, as Inara went back to pulling glass out of his hands. He flinched as she pulled out the last piece of glass from his hands. River watched her drop it into the metal pan next to her, watched as it bounced a bit in the pan and imagined the sound it would make. River closed her eyes and listen to how the glass would sound hitting the metal.
“River?” River’s eyes snapped open and she found herself staring at Sam in the doorway of the infirmary, looking at her. “Are you okay?”
River looked down at her gauze covered feet, they were still stinging from the glass and numb from the lack of blood going to them. Sam said her name again.
“You were right,” she said softly, still looking at her feet.
“Are you being cryptic?” asked Sam, frowning at her and crossing his arms over his chest. River smiled to herself and shook her head, resting her cheek on her knee. “Then what do you mean.”
“You know exactly what I mean,” said River softly, a slight chuckle in her voice. Sam noted that she sounded bitter and decided to drop the subject.
“Do you want to see her?” asked Sam, leaning the side of her head against the doorframe. River thought it was an uncomfortable silence that followed, suffocating. She stood up and left, leaving Sam staring after her, looking as bitter as River sounded, watching her leave the room.
“I guess that’s a no,” he said to himself softly, still watching the place where she disappeared around the corner. Inara was standing a few feet away from him, staring at Sam. Beside her Simon was fiddling with something on the counter of the infirmary.
“Simon, what exactly did they do to the girl?” asked Inara, still staring at Sam.
“Truthfully?” asked Simon, straightening up and leaning against his counter, following Inara’s gaze and staring at Sam as well. “Nothing life threatening. The, ah, the incubator I guess you would call it, was speeding up her growth.”
“Which is why she doesn’t look like a baby,” finished Inara, looking at Simon and raising an eyebrow at him. He nodded and looked at her as well.
“She probably doesn’t act like one either.”
“That’s a little science-fictiony, don’t you think, Simon?”
“Who knows what the Alliance is capable of,” said Simon. “This was probably just a-”
“A science experiment,” finished Sam quietly from where he was eavesdropping. Simon and Inara boh snapped their heads onto him. Sam straightened up and glanced back at the two of them before heading out of the infirmary. He stopped about halfway out at turned back at look at Simon.
“You’ll let me know when she wakes up?” asked Sam, tapping the doorframe after Simon nodded and continued out.