Sam/River- Mildly Inspired Whispers

Apr 29, 2008 21:39

Title: Mildly Inspired Whispers
Author: Liv
Fandom: Firefly/Supernatural
Characters: Sam, River, Kaylee, Simon, Zoe, Mal, Dean, Bobby
30_shinyfics Prompt: 2. fall
30_ballads Prompt: There's A Reason These Tables Are Numbered- Panic! At The Disco
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters before you. They belong to their respective creators and not me.
Author’s Note: 1. monkey’s butt 2. shut up 3. I love you 4. oh my, we’re in trouble. This is set after Imaginary Aliens and Sleeping With Roaches and Taking Best Guesses before.

I am the new cancer, never looked better, you can't stand it.
Because you say so under your breath.

Dean stomped back into the roadhouse, slamming the door shut behind him and biting back a curse. Sam was telling the truth, he had been all along and Dean felt like a shit. He knew he should have believed Sam in the first place but the idea was so out there. Dean braced the palms of his hands against one of the closest tables to him, shaking his head and trying to calm down. Spaceships? Sam couldn’t blame him for not believing what he said. There was no flipping way he could have known. He heard the door slam open again and looked back at Sam standing in the doorway, looking positively livid.

"You’re a jerk," said Sam simply, not walking any further and still staring down Dean who turned back to stare at the table.

"I’m not a-"

"You were rude," interrupted Sam.

"What the hell was I supposed to say, Sam?" asked Dean straightening up and turning to face
Sam. "Did you want me to say ‘hey, you’re the guy who kidnapped my brother, wanna beer?’ to the guy hugging you?"

"You didn’t have to snap at Kaylee," said Sam.

"Who is Kaylee?" asked Dean glancing out the window next to Sam and doing a double take. "Is Kaylee the one messin’ with my car?"

"Messing with your-"

Dean pushed past Sam and out of the bar, heading straight for his car.

"Hey!" he shouted, catching the attention of the blonde girl who had her head under the hood of his car. She looked up at him, her eyes sparkling, making Dean stop and give her a look. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Lookin’ at your engine. I ain’t ever seen one before, ‘cept in pictures and this one looks as pretty as it gets."

"Step away from the car," said Dean, his fingers itching to go for his gun. Who’d this girl think she was?

"She’s just lookin’, Dean," said Sam, from behind him.

"It’s just shiny," said Kaylee with a shrug. "Just wanted to talk to ‘er."

Dean looked over at Sam, his eyebrow rising. "She’s talking to my car?"

"Kaylee, maybe you should step away from the Impala," Dean opened his mouth to say something when that guy who’d hugged Sam came walking over, pulling his gun out of his holster and pointing it at Dean.

"You ain’t causin’ trouble are you?" he asked.

"No, Mal-"

"I’m the rude one?" asked Dean, turning back to look at Sam.

"You know this HOE-tze duh PEE-goo?" Mal asked Sam who looked slightly offended and opened his mouth to protest, only to get interrupted by a black woman behind this Mal guy.

"He looks like trouble to me, sir," she said, looping her thumbs around the holster of her gun and giving Dean a disapproving once over. Dean rolled his eyes and turned on his heel, heading back for the bar, passing by River and some other guy who looked completely disgruntled.

"Mal, Zoë, that’s Dean. That’s…that’s my brother."

"Don’t mind him," said River, turning and watching Dean over her shoulder. "He’s broken."

"Sam! Get in the bar, I wanna talk to you," snapped Dean, sticking his head out the door. "Now."

Sam sighed and followed Dean, glancing at River as he passed her. "You gonna help me out?"

"Only to make sure he doesn’t kill you, bao bei," said River, grinning wildly at him, but none of her smile reaching her eyes. She followed Sam into the bar, her eyes staying on Dean’s back.

It was colder inside. Jo and Ellen were sitting at the bar, Ellen and Bobby taking turns with the bottle of whiskey. Jo was leaning against the bar with her arms crossed over her chest, staring at the floor, looking like she’d seen a ghost. She looked up when Sam walked in and ignored the girl who followed him, everyone did.

"Sam, what’s going on, who are these people?" asked Ellen, setting the bottle down on the bar and looking over at Sam.

"Mal, River and the rest of the crew."

"Sam," said Bobby looking wary at River standing behind him. "I’ve seen a lot of things. Now tell me if I’m getting this right. These people, came from outer space?"

"Other planets," Sam turned his head as River chirped up in a southern accent, tilting her head to the side and sliding past Sam. "Surely you of all people can’t judge us. You don’t even judge your dog."

Sam stared at her. "Stop talking like that."


"Wo ai ni."

"Sam, I’m really getting sick of all the freakin’ chinese."

"Ai ya. Women wanle," Sam snorted, but quickly tried to suppress it, covering his mouth with his hand. Dean gave him a look.

"I’m not kidding, Sam. We’re all being seriously and you’re joking with one of your freaky friends."

"What did you just say?" asked Sam seriously. Dean ignored him and continued.

"You’ve been missing for more than half a year, you’re having the time of your life- I’ve been worried sick about you! I’ve wasted my life saving your ass. Thank god for Bela for actually helping me look for you, I’d of gone insane! Sam, I’m a dead man. You know that and you’ve been wasting my time fucking your girlfriend-"

Sam watched Simon hit Dean in the face, swearing under his breath and shaking out his hand as Dean collected his footing and wiped off blood from his face.

"Simon!" shouted River. "That was very much not necessary."

"This is perfect, Sam," said Dean quietly, looking at the floor. "This wasn’t worth it at all."


“No, no you know what? I’ve spent my entire life looking out for you. That was my job. I sold my god damned soul for you, and now I’m getting punched in the face by your friends-”

“I’m not his friend,” said Simon, taking nearly everyone but Sam by surprise. “He’s sleeping with my sister.”

Dean closed his mouth and frowned, looking from Simon to River.

“Then what are you hitting me for?!”

“Don’t ever talk about my sister like that.”

“You’re for real?” asked Dean. He looked over at Sam who was staring at the floor. His face split into a grin. “You fucked up.”

“Shut up, Dean.”

And I know, and I know, it just doesn't feel like a night out with no one sizing you up.
I've never been so surreptitious, so of course you'll be distracted when I spike the punch.


simon tam, character | bobby singer, series | the haunting hour, sam winchester, crossover, zoe alleyne, mal reynolds, kaylee frye, dean winchester, supernatural, firefly, river tam

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